Retrieve serial number from USB memory (Windows environment c++) -

i need retrieve serial number usb memory, namely hard disk's serial number manufacturer assigns. reason cannot use getvolumeinformation() suggested in other threads. need have "unique" number

i kindly ask if can share example in c++ , windows environment (visual c++)


you can check out article:-

#include <winioctl.h> #include <api/usbioctl.h> #include <setupapi.h>  define_guid( guid_devinterface_usb_disk,                 0x53f56307l, 0xb6bf, 0x11d0, 0x94, 0xf2,               0x00, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x1e, 0xfb, 0x8b );  void getdeviceinfo( int vol ) {    usbdeviceinfo info;     // device handle    char devicepath[7] = "\\\\.\\@:";    devicepath[4] = (char)( vol + 'a' );     handle devicehandle = createfile( devicepath, 0,                                       file_share_read |                                       file_share_write, null,                                       open_existing, 0, null );    if ( devicehandle == invalid_handle_value )       return;     // device number    dword volumedevicenumber = getdevicenumber( devicehandle );    closehandle( devicehandle );     // device interface info set handle    // devices attached system    hdevinfo hdevinfo = setupdigetclassdevs(        &amp;guid_devinterface_usb_disk, null, null,       digcf_present | digcf_deviceinterface );     if ( hdevinfo == invalid_handle_value )           return;     // context structure device interface    // of device information set.    byte buf[1024];    psp_device_interface_detail_data pspdidd =        (psp_device_interface_detail_data)buf;    sp_device_interface_data         spdid;    sp_devinfo_data                  spdd;     spdid.cbsize = sizeof( spdid );     dword dwindex = 0;    while ( true )      {       if ( ! setupdienumdeviceinterfaces( hdevinfo, null,                                            &amp;guid_devinterface_usb_disk,                                            dwindex, &amp;spdid ))          break;        dword dwsize = 0;       setupdigetdeviceinterfacedetail( hdevinfo, &amp;spdid, null,                                         0, &amp;dwsize, null );        if (( dwsize != 0 ) &amp;&amp; ( dwsize &lt;= sizeof( buf )))       {          pspdidd->cbsize = sizeof( *pspdidd ); // 5 bytes!           zeromemory((pvoid)&amp;spdd, sizeof(spdd));          spdd.cbsize = sizeof(spdd);           long res = setupdigetdeviceinterfacedetail(              hdevinfo, &amp;spdid, pspdidd,             dwsize, &amp;dwsize, &amp;spdd );          if ( res )           {             handle hdrive = createfile( pspdidd-&gt;devicepath,0,                                         file_share_read | file_share_write,                                         null, open_existing, 0, null );             if ( hdrive != invalid_handle_value )              {                dword usbdevicenumber = getdevicenumber( hdrive );                 if ( usbdevicenumber == volumedevicenumber )                 {                   fprintf( "%s", pspdidd-&gt;devicepath );                }             }             closehandle( hdrive );          }       }       dwindex++;    }      setupdidestroydeviceinfolist(hdevinfo);    return;   } 

you device number calling deviceiocontrol() handle device:

dword getdevicenumber( handle devicehandle ) {    storage_device_number sdn;    sdn.devicenumber = -1;    dword dwbytesreturned = 0;    if ( !deviceiocontrol( devicehandle,                           ioctl_storage_get_device_number,                           null, 0, &sdn, sizeof( sdn ),                           &dwbytesreturned, null ) )    {       // handle error - bad handle.       return u32_max;    }    return sdn.devicenumber; } 

next here method recognize if volume removable media (e.g. usb or firewire disk):

bool isremovablemedia( s32 vol ) {    char rootpath[5] = "@:\\";    rootpath[0] = (char)( vol + 'a' );     char szdosdevicename[max_path];    char dosdevicepath[3] = "@:";     // drive type    uint drivetype = getdrivetype( rootpath );     if ( drivetype != drive_removable )       return false;     dosdevicepath[0] = (char)( vol + 'a' );    querydosdevice( dosdevicepath, szdosdevicename, max_path );     if ( strstr( szdosdevicename,"\\floppy") != null )    {       // floppy       return false;    }     return true; } 


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