linker - Compiling Glew and SDL in C++ with Code::Blocks -

i've spent last 24 work hours trying compile, using multiple searches , tutorials (some need link dynamically while others need statically), can not work. i'm relatively new compiling , linking appreciated.

here code(as can tell comments tired last night coding this):

#define no_sdl_glext #define glew_static #include "gl/glew.h" #include "sdl/sdl.h" #include "sdl/sdl_opengl.h"  int main (int argc, char* args[]){     //loads sdl video module     sdl_init(sdl_init_video);      //creates sdl surface opengl draw     sdl_surface* surface = sdl_setvideomode(800,600,32, sdl_hwsurface | sdl_doublebuf | sdl_opengl );      //sets caption...     sdl_wm_setcaption("opengl",0);      glewexperimental = gl_true;     glewinit();      //main event loop, bread , butter ladies , gentlemen     sdl_event windowevent;     while (true){         if (sdl_pollevent(&windowevent)){             //if close appplication, causes stop running :d             if (windowevent.type == sdl_quit) break;              //close esc key! :d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:d:             if (windowevent.type == sdl_keyup && windowevent.key.keysym.sym == sdlk_escape) break;         }             //literally 1 line of code needed double buffering         sdl_gl_swapbuffers();     }      //i wish knew ended...lope jk     sdl_quit();      return 0; } 

and in search directories have:


e:\programs\codeblocks\glew-1.10.0\include e:\programs\codeblocks\sdl-1.2.15\include 


e:\programs\codeblocks\glew-1.10.0\lib\release\x64 e:\programs\codeblocks\sdl-1.2.15\lib 

and in linker settings have

link libraries:


other linker options:

-lmingw32 -lglew32s -dglew_static -lsdlmain -lsdl 

the error getting is:

in function 'sdl_main': undefined reference `glewexperimental' undefined reference `glewinit@0' 

thank in advance help!

you getting linker errors. looks compiling application using mingw compiler. but, sure glew library using built with/for mingw? if didn't build glew , downloaded prebuilt binary, built using visual studio. note not straightforward mix libraries different compilers this.

look @ this:

p.s: unless philosophical reasons against proprietary software preventing doing so, ought consider using visual studio compilers. express editions of visual studio compilers free (beer-like). can use visual studio compiler in great ides qtcreator.


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