c# - "Parameter is not valid" When getting a frame from an avi file. -

so have code here pulls out frames avi file, makes clone of them, , stores them in array. after few hundred times, error saying "parameter not valid." i've searched around answers, answers when works once, doesn't work again. 1 on average executes these lines 490 times before error occurs. wondering if 1 of tell me what's wrong here? also, file = null changed later down in code have value, in case think that's got error.

help: i'm using aforge.video.vfw; aviwriter , reader, , i'm calling void in different thread.

sorry if isn't enough. first question i've ever asked on here.

aviwriter writer = new aviwriter("wmv3"); avireader reader = new avireader(); string file = null; bitmap[] aviimages = new bitmap[1];  int imagesprocessed = 0; double progressvalue = 0;  private void getimages() {     reader.open(file);     while (reader.position - reader.start < reader.length)     {         application.doevents();         aviimages[imagesprocessed] = (bitmap)reader.getnextframe().clone();         imagesprocessed++;         progressvalue = (int)((double)imagesprocessed / (double)reader.length * 100);         array.resize(ref aviimages, imagesprocessed + 1);         thread.sleep(10);     }     reader.close();     picwaiting.visible = false;     lblwaiting.text = "done!";     timeupdateprogressbar.stop(); } 

c# "parameter not valid." creating new bitmap

seems why happens memory wasted on bitmaps, can't store bitmaps @ 1 time.

you create 490 bitmaps.. figure out limit , either stop there or start overwriting old bitmaps


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