Groovy configuration for logback based on hostname -

i trying configure logback dynamically using hostname setup specific property logger. initialize map following, before appender:

def hostname="${hostname}"  def logentriestokens = [ "info03": "mytoken" ] 

and following:

appender("logentriesappender",logentriesappender){     encoder(patternlayoutencoder) {         pattern = "%d{dd mmm yyyy ; hh:mm:ss.sss} [%thread] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n"     }     token = logentriestokens[hostname]     println hostname     println logentriestoken     println logentriestokens[hostname]     println token     ssl = false     facility = "user"     filter(thresholdfilter){         level = error     }  } 

and result following:

info03 [info03:mytoken] mytoken null 

for reason, token property not set (i can see investigating appenders hierarchy in java). if instead put constant , such token = "mytoken", works fine. wrong?


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