UIManagedDocument used in UITabViewController crashes when trying open an existing database -

i using justin driscoll's article on core data uimanageddocument in singleton pattern set uitabviewcontroller. running app on simulator. working fine first time. database created , can see data in tableview controller each tab. when restart application, app crashes error

    assertion failure in -[uimanageddocument openwithcompletionhandler:],      ** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinternalinconsistencyexception',     reason: 'attempt open or revert document has open or revert      operation in flight 

my code causes crash. did debugging using nslog statements.

   if (![[nsfilemanager defaultmanager] fileexistsatpath:[self.document.fileurl path]]) {         nslog(@"document doesnot exist , hence start creating");         [self dataintodocument:self.document];         nslog(@"document finished creating");         [self.document savetourl:self.document.fileurl forsaveoperation:uidocumentsaveforcreating completionhandler:ondocumentdidload];         nslog(@"saved url on disk"); } else if (self.document.documentstate == uidocumentstateclosed) {         nslog(@"document closed , needs opened");         [self.document openwithcompletionhandler:ondocumentdidload]; } else if (self.document.documentstate == uidocumentstatenormal) {         nslog(@"test document in normal state");         ondocumentdidload(yes); } 

result first run when database doesn't exists

 2013-08-12 14:51:35.458 <my app>[368:11603] document doesnot exist , hence created start 2013-08-12 14:51:38.716 <my app>[368:11603] document doesnot exist , hence finished creating 2013-08-12 14:51:38.718 <my app>[368:11603] nsmanagedcontext did save. 2013-08-12 14:51:38.718 <my app>[368:11603] saved url on disk 2013-08-12 14:51:38.721 <my app>[368:11603] document closed , needs opened 2013-08-12 14:51:38.772 <my app>[368:11603] nsmanagedobjects did change 

result second run: when database exists @ url

2013-08-12 14:53:43.758 <my app> [380:11603] document closed , needs opened 2013-08-12 14:53:43.761 <my app>[380:11603] document closed , needs opened 2013-08-12 14:53:43.762  

i understand reason why failing, not supposed open in close succession. have same code in view controllers control tabs instance of uimanageddocument. please let me know missing.

 -(id) initwithcoder:(nscoder *)adecoder {            self = [super initwithcoder:adecoder];           if (!self.databasedocument) {               [[ltdatabasedocumenthandler shareddatabasedocumenthandler] performwithdocument:^    (uimanageddocument *document) {               self.databasedocument = document;         [self populatetableviewarrayfromdocument:self.databasedocument];          }];    }    return self;  } 

i figured. need use -(void)viewwillappear:animated method instantiate shared instance of uimanageddocument instead of -(id)initwithcoder. viewwillappear method gets executed when user tries view tab.


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