java - trying to get location from "network" provider fails on some devices despite the provider being enabled -

i'm trying write android app gets current location 'network' provider (so should need android.permission.access_coarse_location permission). works fine on devices, on others don't seem able location update. here's code.

in oncreate:

    locationmanager = (locationmanager) getsystemservice(context.location_service);     provider = locationmanager.network_provider;     log.v (tag, "finding location provider: " + provider);     if (check_provider_enabled && !locationmanager.isproviderenabled (provider))     {         toast.maketext (this, "location provider disabled", toast.length_long).show ();     }     else     {         try         {             location location = locationmanager.getlastknownlocation(provider);             if (location == null)             {                 log.i (tag, "getlastknownlocation returned null, requesting updates when available");                 locationmanager.requestlocationupdates (provider, 0, 0, locationlistener);             }             else                 locationlistener.onlocationchanged (location);         }         catch (illegalargumentexception e)         {             log.e(tag, "failed location provider " + provider, e);             toast.maketext (this, "location provider disabled", toast.length_long).show ();         }     } 

locationlistener defined follows:

private locationlistener locationlistener = new locationlistener() {      @override     public void onstatuschanged (string provider, int status, bundle extras)     {     }      @override     public void onproviderenabled (string provider)     {     }      @override     public void onproviderdisabled (string provider)     {     }      @override     public void onlocationchanged (location location)     {         toast.maketext (carouselvieweractivity.this, "" + location.getlatitude () + ", " + location.getlongitude (), toast.length_long).show ();         log.v(tag, "" + location.getlatitude () + ", " + location.getlongitude ());         locationmanager.removeupdates (this);     } }; 

on phones work, here works fine: if check_provider_enabled true, isproviderenabled test returns true, getlastknownlocation returns location rather null, , if force request updates receive 1 details of location.

but on other phones (the specific 1 i'm testing galaxy s2 cyanogenmod 9) isproviderenabled test returns false (despite settings item enabling network location being turned on - see locationmanager.isproviderenabled(locationmanager.network_provider) not reliable, why? summary of issue), getlastknownlocation returns null, , after requesting updates not receive 1 in reasonable time (i've waited 5 minutes).

is there wrong approach i'm taking? there other way of getting network location need, or setting on phone other enabling network location that's required work? @ more basic level, going wrong here?

similar issues relating android network provider have been reported before on stack overflow can find here. consensus have experienced problem state there 2 possible workarounds, rebooting device when issue becomes apparent, or utilizing google play service api retrieving location data there appears issue reliability of location manager android 4.0 or newer.


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