How to get a handle to an overriden built-in function? -

this question has answer here:

on matlab path there's custom zeros function. want store handle built-in zeros in variable. how can that?

thought @(varargin)builtin('zeros',varargin{:}), slow down operation due string comparison.

also, i've noticed it's possible refer diag @numel\diag, doesn't seem work other built-in functions (zeros in particular).

well, doesn't give exact answer question, solve problem:

i think seems solution:

matlabcentral: how call shadowed function

withn last post:

just stumbled upon problem , found following solution: example, have matlab svmtrain shadowed libsvm toolbox:

which svmtrain -all


c:\program files\matlab\r2009b\toolbox\bioinfo\biolearning\svmtrain.m % shadowed

but can access original function using str2func:

org_svmtrain = str2func([matlabroot '\toolbox\bioinfo\biolearning\svmtrain'])

and calling:

org_svmtrain(training, groupnames)


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