Get All Users in Google Apps Domain After Installing App from Google Apps Marketplace -

my client saas software provider. has app available in google apps marketplace. customer may add marketplace app domain. marketplace listing provides consumer key , consumer secret, have integrated in our saas product.

the customers have installed our app should theoretically able synchronize users google apps domain saas installation using consumer key/secret pair have marketplace listing , configured in saas product.

we using following, not work. api call returns "401 unknown authorization header".

require_once $gapps_vendors_dir . '/zend/oauth/consumer.php'; require_once $gapps_vendors_dir . '/zend/gdata/gapps/userentry.php'; require_once $gapps_vendors_dir . '/zend/gdata/gapps/userfeed.php'; require_once $gapps_vendors_dir . '/zend/gdata/gapps/userquery.php';  $options = array(     'requestscheme' => zend_oauth::request_scheme_header,     'version' => '1.0',     'signaturemethod' => 'hmac-sha1',     'consumerkey' => $consumer_key,     'consumersecret' => $consumer_secret, );   $token = new zend_oauth_token_access(); $httpclient = $token->gethttpclient($options);  $gdata = new zend_gdata_gapps($httpclient, $clientsdomain);  $feed = $gdata->retrieveallusers(); 


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