objective c - iOS deep linking: how to embed URL in another URL? -

i need deep link app url, if custom scheme is:


then deep linking url looks like:

myapp://?type=url&url=[another url] 

the problem "another url" may contain separators ?, /, & etc, thought using quotation mark:


however url may have quotation mark in it, there way it?


you need escape of special characters in 2nd url. use utility method wrote help:

+ (nsstring *)encodestring:(nsstring *)string {     nsstring *result = (__bridge_transfer nsstring *)cfurlcreatestringbyaddingpercentescapes(kcfallocatordefault, (__bridge cfstringref)string, null, cfstr("% '\"?=&+<>;:-#\\/~`!"), kcfstringencodingutf8);      return result; } 

with in place (in helper class or added category), can following:

nsstring *link = @"http://another.url"; nsstring *escapedlink = [someutility encodestring:link];  nsstring *myurl = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"myapp://?type=url&url=%@", escapedlink]; 

note encodestring: method should used escape url parameter value may ever use build query string of url.


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