java - How to use check box listener with a dynamic JTable? -

i new using swing, why asking lot; actually, searching lot this, not found answer. have dynamic table; has filled name of sheets xml file, , there column check box clicked if sheet has validated.

when create table empty. after other action filled data.

i need know how use check box listener in case.

this main code, button open performs filling.

public class createscenarioui extends jframe {  /**  *   */ private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;  private jpanel contentpane; private jtextfield textfield; string filepath = null; string[] sheetnames = null;    /**  * launch application.  */ public static void main(string[] args) {     eventqueue.invokelater(new runnable() {         public void run() {             try {                 createscenarioui frame = new createscenarioui();                 frame.setvisible(true);             } catch (exception e) {                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }     }); }  /**  * create frame.  */ public createscenarioui() {       settitle("scenario creation");     setdefaultcloseoperation(jframe.exit_on_close);     setbounds(100, 100, 450, 450);     contentpane = new jpanel();     contentpane.setborder(new emptyborder(5, 5, 5, 5));     setcontentpane(contentpane);     contentpane.setlayout(null);      final maintable table = new maintable(contentpane);      /** button open */     final jbutton btnopen = new jbutton("open");     btnopen.setfont(new font("tahoma", font.plain, 11));     btnopen.addactionlistener(new actionlistener() {         public void actionperformed(actionevent arg0) {             performbtnopen();         }          private void performbtnopen() {             jfilechooser choose = new jfilechooser();             choose.addchoosablefilefilter(new excelfilter());             int returnval = choose.showopendialog(null);             if (returnval == jfilechooser.approve_option) {                 textfield.settext(choose.getselectedfile().getname());             }              filereader filereader = new filereader();             system.out.println(choose.getselectedfile());             filepath = choose.getselectedfile().tostring();             sheetnames = filereader.getsheetnames(choose.getselectedfile());             table.getmodel().addcolumn("sheet name", sheetnames);             boolean[] selectorcolumn = new boolean[sheetnames.length];             (int = 0; < sheetnames.length; i++) {                 selectorcolumn[i] = new boolean(false);             }             table.getmodel().addcolumn("selector", selectorcolumn);         }     });      btnopen.setbounds(320, 50, 100, 20);     contentpane.add(btnopen); 


and here how create maintable:

public class maintable extends jframe implements tablemodellistener, itemlistener {  defaulttablemodel model = new defaulttablemodel();  @override public void tablechanged(tablemodelevent arg0) {     // todo auto-generated method stub  }  public maintable(jpanel contentpane){      string[] setcolumnidentifiers = {};     jtable table = new jtable(new object[][] {}, new object[] {             "sheet name", "create" });     jscrollpane scrollpane = new jscrollpane(table);      /** main table */     model = new defaulttablemodel(setcolumnidentifiers, 0) {         /**          *           */         private static final long serialversionuid = 1l;          @override         public class getcolumnclass(int columnindex) {             if (columnindex == 1) {                 return boolean.class;             } else {                 return super.getcolumnclass(columnindex);             }         }          @override         public boolean iscelleditable(int row, int column) {             boolean editable = true;             if (column == 0) {                 editable = false;                 /**object value = getvalueat(row, column);                 if (value instanceof integer) {                     editable = ((int)value) != 0;                 }*/             }             return editable;         }     };     table.setmodel(model);     table.getmodel().addtablemodellistener(this);     table.setfillsviewportheight(true);     table.setcolumnselectionallowed(true);     table.setborder(new lineborder(new color(0, 0, 0)));     table.setcellselectionenabled(true);     table.setbounds(40, 100, 380, 190);     scrollpane.setbounds(40, 100, 380, 190);     scrollpane.setborder(new lineborder(new color(0, 0, 0)));     contentpane.add(scrollpane);  }  public defaulttablemodel getmodel(){     return model; }  @override public void itemstatechanged(itemevent event) {     //object source = event.getitemselectable();     // todo auto-generated method stub }    


any useful, thank everyone!

the default cell editor editable column of type boolean.class jcheckbox. only editor needs listen checkbox, , only while checkbox being edited. after editor concludes, examine tablemodel changes. if component needs know such changes, should register tablemodellistener, illustrated here. related examples may found here , here.


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