Adding django-pagedown to Django 1.5 Blog Comments -

i'd add django-pagedown site's blog. have site, , application called blog, built django, , i've implemented built-in comments. these work fine i'm trying django-pagedown work in comments. example, if user comments on 1 of articles, able support markdown users comment code snippets or formatting without using html (which don't want support).

i installed django-pagedown pip:

pip install django-pagedown

i added installed_apps section in , collected static files:

installed_apps = (     ...     'pagedown',     ... ) 

python collectstatic

something happened, because when added code blog/ file admin post preview window appeared:

... pagedown.widgets import pagedownwidget, adminpagedownwidget django.db import models ....  class postadmin(admin.modeladmin):     ...     formfield_overrides = {         models.textfield: {'widget': adminpagedownwidget },     }     ... 

since i'm not familiar django yet, docs at:

aren't enough me understand how it's implemented. basically, want add functionality user comments section in blog.

i'd able accomplish without making custom forms , using built-in comments in django. possible?

i able working ended going disqus because has great functionality , simple set , moderate.

first, consider whether want use django.contrib.comments; it's being deprecated in version 1.6 , no longer supported after that. see discussion here.

if want use it, you're going have customize comments app. documentation lays out need do. in you'll have this:

from pagedown.widgets import pagedownwidget django.contrib.comments.forms import commentform django.forms import charfield  class pagedowncommentform(commentform):     comment = charfield(widget=pagedownwidget())         

you'll need put get_form() function in new app's, , make other changes described in docs.

hopefully give idea of how proceed.


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