How to parse or read json file from external storage on Android app -

i implemented parsing json server (url). couldn't find way parse json sdcard (/download/example.json). can me solve issue/change code?

i used asynctask this. sample tutorial or sample code more appreciated. (sorry english.)

public class main extends activity {          private textview shopsdisplay;         private static string searchurl = "";          @override         protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {             super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);             setcontentview(;             //reference throughout class             shopsdisplay = (textview)findviewbyid(;             new getshops().execute(searchurl);         } private class getshops extends asynctask<string, void, string> {             /*              * carry out fetching task in background              * - receives search url via execute method              */             @override             protected string doinbackground(string... shopsurl) {                 //start building result json string                 stringbuilder shopsfeedbuilder = new stringbuilder();                 //should 1 url, receives array                 (string searchurl : shopsurl) {                     httpclient shopsclient = new defaulthttpclient();                     try {                         //pass search url string fetch                         httpget shopsget = new httpget(searchurl);                         //execute request                         httpresponse shopsresponse = shopsclient.execute(shopsget);                         //check status, proceed if ok                         statusline searchstatus = shopsresponse.getstatusline();                         if (searchstatus.getstatuscode() == 200) {                             //get response                             httpentity shopsentity = shopsresponse.getentity();                             inputstream shopscontent = shopsentity.getcontent();                             //process results                             inputstreamreader shopsinput = new inputstreamreader(shopscontent);                             bufferedreader shopsreader = new bufferedreader(shopsinput);                             string linein;                             while ((linein = shopsreader.readline()) != null) {                                 shopsfeedbuilder.append(linein);                             }                         }                         else                             shopsdisplay.settext("whoops - went wrong!");                     }                     catch(exception e){                          shopsdisplay.settext("whoops - went wrong!");                         e.printstacktrace();                      }                 }                 //return result string                 return shopsfeedbuilder.tostring();             }             /*              * process result of search query              * - receives json string representing shops search term included              */             protected void onpostexecute(string result) {                 //start preparing result string display                 stringbuilder shopsresultbuilder = new stringbuilder();                 try {                     //get jsonobject result                     jsonobject resultobject = new jsonobject(result);                     //get jsonarray contained within jsonobject retrieved - "results"                     jsonarray shopsarray = resultobject.getjsonarray("shops");                     //loop through each item in shops array                     (int t=0; t<shopsarray.length(); t++) {                         //each item jsonobject                         jsonobject shopsobject = shopsarray.getjsonobject(t);                         //for if condition                         string id = (string) shopsobject.get("id");                         //get name , description each shops                         if (id.equals("550")){                         shopsresultbuilder.append(shopsobject.getstring("name")+": ");                         shopsresultbuilder.append(shopsobject.get("description")+"\n\n");                         }                     }                 }                 catch (exception e) {                     shopsdisplay.settext("whoops - went wrong!");                     e.printstacktrace();                 }                 //check result exists                 if(shopsresultbuilder.length()>0)                     shopsdisplay.settext(shopsresultbuilder.tostring());                 else                     shopsdisplay.settext("sorry - no shops found search!");             }         }   } 

for jsonobject, use standard java file i/o read file string, pass jsonobject constructor.

if have large json file, though, may wish switch other json parser (e.g., jsonreader), may give different options (e.g., use filereader jsonreader).


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