counter - Counting lost packets with perl -

i'm writing small script returns pingtimes given host. far working should want able see how many packets lost.

when run standard ping command in windows command prompt this:

ping-statistic packets: sent = 4, received = 4, lost = 0 (0%) 

how can make perl count everytime packet lost? there way invoke windows commands within perl?

my current code below:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict;  use time::hires; use net::ping;  use vars qw($argv $ret $duration $ip);  $host    = $argv[0] or print "usage is: $0 host [timeout]\n" , exit 1; $timeout = $argv[1] || 5; $p  = net::ping->new('icmp', $timeout);  if ($p->ping($host)) {     $p->hires();{ ($ret, $duration, $ip) = $p->ping($host);     printf("$host [ip: $ip] online (packet return time: %.2f ms)\n", 1000*$duration);   }    $p->close();    }else{      print "no such host, timeout of $timeout seconds reached\n"; } 

thanks in advance!

if hostname cannot found or there problem ip number, success flag returned undef. otherwise, success flag 1 if host reachable , 0 if not.

so $p->ping can return undef, 1, or 0

my $lost = 0; $n = 10; while ($n--) {   # die if ping returns undef   $ok = $p->ping($host) // die "no such host, timeout of $timeout seconds reached\n";   $lost++ if !$ok; } print "$lost lost packets\n"; 


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