How do I use AIDL or talk to Android Services from codenameone? -

i building android pos application using codenameone. want use cmsoft bt-printer sdk here uses aidl interface. how access codenameone project?

1)create in project regular interface extends nativeinterface communicate printer service.

2) interface printerinterface extends nativeinterface{

public void bindservice(); public void startscan(); public void stopscan(); }

3)right click on interface , select "generate native access" - create implementation files under native directory in project.

4)under native/android dir printerinterfaceimpl class make sure issupported() method returns true , implement android code in class.

use androidnativeutil.getactivity() gain access activity. example:

androidnativeutil.getactivity().registerreceiver(mreceiver, new intentfilter(receiver));


5)in impl class can bind receiver:

final class scannerreceiver extends broadcastreceiver {     @override      public void onreceive(context context, intent intent) {                     string data = null;          if (intent.getaction().equals(receiver)) {             data = intent.getstringextra(data);         }          if (data != null) {             string msg;              if (data.startswith("s:")) {                                  msg = data.substring(data.indexof(':', 2) + 1);                                 }                              if (data.startswith("d:")) {                 msg = data.substring(data.indexof(':', 2) + 1);                                 }         }     }         }  private final scannerreceiver mreceiver = new scannerreceiver(); private final intent mservice = new intent(service); 


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