django-autocomplete-light modelform ValidationError -

i have autocomplete fields in 2 diferent forms.

one forms.form , works ok.

other 1 modelform , doesn't work

if try with:

class facturaform(modelform):     class meta:         widgets = autocomplete_light.get_widgets_dict(factura)         model = factura 


validationerror @ /facturas/nuevo/1/

[u'type cannot validate [0]']

.... {{ form.as_table }} ....

if try with:

class facturaform(modelform):     class meta:         model = factura         widgets = {             'cliente': autocomplete_light.choicewidget('clienteautocomplete'),         } 


validationerror @ /facturas/nuevo/1/

[u'clienteautocomplete cannot validate [0]']

and if try with:

class facturaform(modelform):      cliente = autocomplete_light.genericmodelchoicefield(         widget=autocomplete_light.choicewidget(             autocomplete='clienteautocomplete',             autocomplete_js_attributes={'minimum_characters': 0, }))      class meta:         model = factura 

the autocomplete works fine , seems work well, if send form save throws:

valueerror @ /facturas/nuevo/1/

need more 1 value unpack

.... if form.is_valid(): ....

any idea might wrong?

thanks help


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