extjs4 - ExtJS 4.2 - Bind Grid to FieldSet - FieldSet is Not Updating - MVC -
i have grid populates service call (soap/xml) store. grid populates fine; however, when select item in grid, trying bind value fieldset.
when selecting item in grid, debug , see model selected item has been updated properly, when loadrecord, fieldset not update. not errors, fieldset not updating.
here sample code. trying minimize as possible because using mvc , application starting large.
phonecallsmodel.js -
ext.define('dg.model.phonecallsmodel', { extend: 'ext.data.model', fields: [ {name: 'employeessn'}, {name: 'callrsn'}, {name: 'calldt'}, {name: 'calltype'}, {name: 'callfor'}, {name: 'callername'}, {name: 'callnotedesc'} ] });
phonecallsstore.js -
ext.define('dg.store.phonecallsstore', { extend: 'ext.data.store', config: { storeid: 'phonecallsstore', model: 'dg.model.phonecallsmodel', autoload: false }, proxy: { type: 'memory', reader: { type: 'xml', root: 'return', record: 'contents', employeessn: '@employeessn', callrsn: '@callrsn', calldt: '@calldt', calltype: '@calltype', callfor: '@callfor', callername: '@callername', callnotedesc: '@callnotedesc' } } });
i load store dynamically... fyi. no issues loading data or displaying in grid.
i have several viewport using have multiple pages. in controller, creating new viewport , adding main panel contains grid , fieldset form.
searchcommand.js -
ext.define('dg.controller.searchcommand', { extend: 'ext.app.controller', init: function () { this.control({ 'searchview button': { searchdata: this.dosearch } }); }, dosearch: function (caseid) { if (caseid) { ext.create(ext.container.viewport, { requires: [ 'dg.view.phonecallsdatagrid', 'dg.view.phonecallnoteview' ], items: [ { xtype: 'phonecallsview' } ] }); } } });
phonecallsview.js -
ext.define('dg.view.phonecallsview', { extend: 'ext.form.panel', alias: 'widget.phonecallsview', renderto: ext.getbody(), height: 800, border: 0, bodypadding: 5, layout: 'column', // specifies items arranged in columns frame: true, fielddefaults: { labelalign: 'left', msgtarget: 'side' }, items: [ { x: 10, y: 177, xtype: 'phonecallsdatagrid', itemid: 'getdatagridselection', height: 225, width: 1175, action: 'getselecteditem' }, { x: 10, y: 225, xtype: 'phonecallnoteview', height: 200, width: 1175 }, { x: 10, y: 480, xtype: 'button', itemid: 'getdatabutton', text: 'refresh', action: 'getdata' } ] });
phonecallsdatagrid.js -
ext.define('dg.view.phonecallsdatagrid', { extend: 'ext.grid.panel', alias: 'widget.phonecallsdatagrid', store: 'phonecallsstore', title: 'phone call list', columnlines: true, border: false, seltype: 'rowmodel', loadmask: true, plugins: [ ext.create('ext.grid.plugin.cellediting', { clickstoedit: 1 }) ], initcomponent: function () { this.columns = [ {header: 'case ssn', dataindex: 'employeessn'}, {header: 'call reason', dataindex: 'callrsn'}, {header: 'call receive date', dataindex: 'calldt'}, {header: 'call type', dataindex: 'calltype'}, {header: 'call for', dataindex: 'callfor'}, {header: 'caller name', dataindex: 'callername'}, {header: 'callback number', dataindex: 'callbackno'}, {text: 'notes', header: 'notes', dataindex: 'callnotedesc', width: 475, editor: { xtype: 'textfield', allowblank: false } } ]; this.callparent(arguments); } });
phonecallnoteview.js -
ext.define('dg.view.phonecallnoteview', { extend: 'ext.form.fieldset', alias: 'widget.phonecallnoteview', xtype: 'form', margin: '0 0 0 10', title: 'phone call details', defaults: { width: 1100 }, defaulttype: 'textfield', items: [ { id: 'callnotedesc', fieldlabel: 'note', name: 'callnotedesc' } ] });
now, have controller (i removed bunch of stuff not needed posting) on init has listener selectionchange on phonecallsdatagrid:
phonecallscommand.js -
ext.define('dg.controller.phonecallscommand', { extend: 'ext.app.controller', stores: ['phonecallsstore'], models: ['phonecallsmodel'], views: ['phonecallsview', 'phonecallsdatagrid', 'phonecallnoteview'], refs: [ { ref: 'phonecallnoteview', selector: 'form' } ], init: function () { this.control({ 'phonecallsdatagrid': { selectionchange: this.gridselectionchange, viewready: this.onviewready } }); }, gridselectionchange: function (model, records) { debugger; if (records[0]) { this.getphonecallnoteview().loadrecord(records[0]); } }, onviewready: function (grid) { debugger; grid.getselectionmodel().select(0); } });
on gridselectionchange see model has correct selected item data, , records correct well. not errors when doing:
here data looks when debug method gridselectionchange. can see records looks good, , model looks (i edited personal info did not want displayed on screenshot):
however, callnotedesc field not displaying notes. idea going on , how can bind grid notes fieldset note?
not have method loadrecord
, ext.form.panel
i'd need make ref form , change this:
to this:
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