c# - Setting a post-authentication View for Windows Authentication -

i have mvc4 intranet application (using default template). using windows authentication login system, however, want able capture details user first time register site.

use cases

  1. first time user authenticates using ad login (currently working). presented 'enter details' view.
  2. second time user authenticates using ad login. taken straight home screen.

cheers, dave

create custom authorizeattribute this:

public class myauthorizeattribute : authorizeattribute {     private unitofwork _unitofwork = new unitofwork();      protected override bool authorizecore(httpcontextbase httpcontext)     {         var isauthorized = false;         var username = httpcontext.user.identity.name;         // code find user in database...         var user = _unitofwork.userrepository.find(username);         if(user != null)         {            // check if there details user in database            if(user.hasdetails)            {              isauthorized = true;            }         }           return isauthorized;     }      public override void onauthorization(authorizationcontext filtercontext)     {                     if (filtercontext == null)         {             throw new argumentnullexception("filtercontext");         }          if (!authorizecore(filtercontext.httpcontext))         {            // if not authorized, redirect details action             // of account controller...              var action = filtercontext.routedata.values["action"];            if(filtercontext.controller accountcontroller               && action.equals("details"))            {              // nothing            }            else            {              filtercontext.result = new redirecttorouteresult(                new system.web.routing.routevaluedictionary {                  {"controller", "account"}, {"action", "details"}                }              );            }                        }     } } 

then, can use in controllers this:

[myauthorize] public class homecontroller : controller { } 

or, can register global action filter in global.asax file this:

public static void registerglobalfilters(globalfiltercollection filters) {     filters.add(new myauthorizeattribute()); } 


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