java - Working around access denied in a FileWalking Tree in Java7 -

the following simple code test files.walkfiletree() method. however, folder /etc/ssl/private, has these permissions (rwx--x---), throws exception, when thought guarded if statement (if (permissions.equals("rwx--x---")).

what doing wrong? in advance.

public static void main (string []args) throws ioexception, interruptedexception {            files.walkfiletree(paths.get("/"), new walkingthething2()); } @override public filevisitresult previsitdirectory(path dir, basicfileattributes attrs) throws ioexception {     posixfileattributeview posixview = files.getfileattributeview(dir, posixfileattributeview.class);     posixfileattributes posixattr = posixview.readattributes();     string permissions =posixfilepermissions.tostring(posixattr.permissions());     if (permissions.equals("rwx--x---"))     {         return filevisitresult.skip_subtree;     }      return filevisitresult.continue; } @override public filevisitresult visitfile(path file, basicfileattributes attrs)         throws ioexception {     try{          system.out.println(file.getfilename()+" " +files.size(file));          return filevisitresult.continue;     }     catch(ioexception io){return filevisitresult.continue;} } } 

the exception is: java.nio.file.accessdeniedexception: /etc/ssl/private

edit: solved overriding visitfilefailed:

public filevisitresult visitfilefailed(path file, ioexception io)     {          return filevisitresult.skip_subtree;     } 


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