.net - C# issue sending string to a different socket on the same computer -

i have program , sending string different socket on same computer every 45 seconds. below function send string on socket using built in socket class of c#.

issue having when run program , give not getting responses socket. when run program on different computer using ipaddress of computer works flawlessly.

so questioned if allowed pass in ip socket class , have recognize want send data different socket on same computer. have different make sure works on


static string queryminer(string command) {     byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];     try     {         //code gettting current machines ip use code if client running on miner         ipaddress ipaddr = ipaddress.parse("");        //ipaddress ipaddr = ipaddress.parse("198.xxx.xxx.xxx");         ipendpoint ipendpoint = new ipendpoint(ipaddr, 4028);          socket sender = new socket(addressfamily.internetwork, sockettype.stream, protocoltype.tcp);         sender.connect(ipendpoint);         console.writeline("socket connected {0}", sender.remoteendpoint.tostring());          string summarymessage = command;         byte[] msg = encoding.ascii.getbytes(summarymessage);          sender.send(msg);         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];         int lengthofreturnedbuffer = sender.receive(buffer);         char[] chars = new char[lengthofreturnedbuffer];          decoder d = system.text.encoding.utf8.getdecoder();         int charlen = d.getchars(buffer, 0, lengthofreturnedbuffer, chars, 0);         string summaryjson = new string(chars);         sender.shutdown(socketshutdown.both);         sender.close();         return summaryjson;     }     catch (exception ex)     {         console.writeline("exception: {0}", ex.tostring());         return ex.tostring();     } } 

the code set server portion of (e.g. call bind) isn't here, problem certianly binding specific ip address , not ipaddress.any.

if using local ip rather loopback should work.


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