How to change object in one sitepage?(three.js) -

i want build gallery of 3d objects,but when finish showing 1 object, how can change object pressing ?how delete first object , release memorise? knowledges should learn?

i've tried build-and-remove iframes display object receive memory leak : here part of code:

<html xmlns="">    <head>        <script language="javascript">       <!--           $=function(s){return document.getelementbyid(s)}           window.onload=function(){               var t=[];               var btn1=$('btn1'),btn2=$('btn2'),btn3=$('btn3');               btn1.onclick=function(){                   if($('ifm1'))return;                   var c=$('content');                   var ifm=document.createelement('iframe');                   ifm.src='a.html';         'ifm1';                   c.appendchild(ifm);                   t.push(ifm);               }               btn2.onclick=function(){                   var ifm=$('ifm1');                   ifm.src="";                   ifm.parentnode.removechild(ifm);               }           }       //-->       </script>    </head>    <body>         <input id="btn1" type="button" value="open"/>          <input id="btn2" type="button" value="close"/>         <div id="content"></div>     </body>   </html>   

well, want create of gallery objects , show 1 @ time, putting others visible:false (with use of traverse function). when you're finished 1 object - delete scene, same way added there in first place (adding: scene.add(); deleting: scene.remove()). way won't have memory leaking.


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