java - This code is showing only some files on the server.Other files can't be viewed -

public void checkfile (string servername) throws exception {     if (servername == null)     servername = "";     system.out.println("in check file method");     file folder = new file("d:\\mvxout412");     //path on server     int count = 0;     string abc;     file[] files =  folder.listfiles();     if (files != null) {         system.out.println("in if method");         (int i=0;i<files.length ;i++) {             count++;             abc = files[i].getname();             system.out.println("number of files: " + count);             system.out.println("name of files: " + abc);         }     } } 

this code showing files @ path/folder on server. other files can't viewed. login , logout happens successfully.

 public void listfilesforfolder(final file folder) {  (final file fileentry : folder.listfiles()) {      if (fileentry.isdirectory()) {         listfilesforfolder(fileentry);     } else {         system.out.println(fileentry.getname());     } }   }     final file folder = new file("/home/you/desktop");  listfilesforfolder(folder); 


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