matlab parfor with arrayfun (sliced variable) -

as title says, want have parfor loop inside usage of arrayfun.
created minimal working example problem:
having following lines in file called thisparfortest.m

function test=thisparfortest(countmax) parfor count=1:countmax     test(count).nummer=count;     test(count).bisdrei=arrayfun(@(testnum)eq(test(count).nummer,testnum),1:3); end 

the command mcc('-e','-v','thisparfortest') results in

compiler version: 4.18.1 (r2013a)  error: file: **************\thisparfortest.m line: 3 column: 5  variable test in parfor cannot classified.  see parallel loops in matlab, "overview".  processing c:\program files\matlab\r2013a\toolbox\matlab\mcc.enc  processing include files...  2 item(s) added.  processing directories installed mcr...  file mccexcludedfiles.log contains list of functions excluded ctf archive.  0 item(s) added.  generating matlab path compiled application...  created 43 path items.  parsing file "****************\thisparfortest.m"      (referenced from: "compiler command line").  parsing file "c:\program files\matlab\r2013a\toolbox\compiler\deploy\deployprint.m"      (referenced from: "compiler command line").  parsing file "c:\program files\matlab\r2013a\toolbox\compiler\deploy\printdlg.m"      (referenced from: "compiler command line").  unable determine function name or input/output argument count function   in matlab file "thisparfortest".   please use mlint determine if file contains errors.  error using mcc error executing mcc, return status = 1 (0x1).  

but advised mlint thisparfortest (and checkcode) returns no problems - in editor.
loop can done , compiled loop.
please not ask sense of these commands - here mwe.
think, should reported mathworks - or have done wrong?
additions: when running

function retval=thisparfortest(countmax) helpfun=@(x)arrayfun(@(testnum)eq(x,testnum),1:3); parfor count=1:countmax     retval(count).nummer=count^2;     retval(count).bisdrei=helpfun(retval(count).nummer); end 

with for loop works, when using shown version parfor results in

error using thisparfortest>(parfor supply) (line 3) undefined function or variable "retval". error in thisparfortest (line 3) parfor count=1:countmax caused by:     undefined function or variable "retval" 

shouldn't caught mlint/checkcode? this happens without compiler.

i don't believe issue has compilation. when attempt run code in regular matlab same error variable test in parfor cannot classified.

there's no bug here - not every piece of code can run inside parfor loop, , it's not possible matlab determine prior runtime pieces can , can't. tries job, , when does, code analyzer tell prior runtime - when can't, give runtime error you've found.

perhaps can think of way matlab have statically determined variable not classified - in case reported mathworks enhancement request code analyzer.


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