javascript - Replace Log In text to say Logged in with jquery -

i new , need making link "login" replaced logged in after clicking submit javascript/jquery.

here have on index page. have pop login page , need stop function after clicking word submit , replace login logged in. simple demo site , needs simple code. thank you!

  <head>   <script type='text/javascript' charset='utf-8'> $(document).ready(function(){   $('.popbox').popbox(); }); 

<div id= "toggle" class='popbox'> <a div id=login class='open' href='#'>login</a>   <div class='collapse'>   <div class='box'>     <div class='arrow'></div>     <div class='arrow-border'></div>     <form name="myform" action="#" method="post" id="subform">      <div id="fb-root"></div>   <script src=""></script>   <script>      fb.init({          appid:'193731474136796', cookie:true,          status:true, xfbml:true       });   </script>   <a href="#" onclick="fblogin();return false;"><img src="facebookbutton.png"></a>     <script>       //your fb login function       function fblogin() {         fb.login(function(response) {           //...         }, {scope:'read_stream,publish_stream,offline_access'});       }     </script>    <div class="line-separator"></div>        <div class="input">         <input type="username" name="cm-name" id="name" placeholder="username" />       </div>       <div class="input">         <input type="password" name="cm-password" id="password" placeholder="password" />       </div>       <input type="submit" value="login" id="submit" /> <a href="#" class="close">forgot username or password?</a>      </form> 

and have linked javascript page popup.

 (function(){    $.fn.popbox = function(options){ var settings = $.extend({   selector      : this.selector,   open          : '.open',   box           : '.box',   arrow         : '.arrow',   arrow_border  : '.arrow-border',   close         : '.close' }, options);  var methods = {   open: function(event){     event.preventdefault();      var pop = $(this);     var box = $(this).parent().find(settings['box']);      box.find(settings['arrow']).css({'left': box.width()/2 - 10});     box.find(settings['arrow_border']).css({'left': box.width()/2 - 10});      if(box.css('display') == 'block'){       methods.close();     } else {       box.css({'display': 'block', 'top': 10, 'left': ((pop.parent().width()/2) -box.width()/2 )});     }   },    close: function(){     $(settings['box']).fadeout("fast");   } };  $(document).bind('keyup', function(event){   if(event.keycode == 27){     methods.close();   } });  $(document).bind('click', function(event){   if(!$(['selector']).length){     methods.close();   } });  return this.each(function(){   $(this).css({'width': $(settings['box']).width()}); // width needs set otherwise popbox not move when window resized.   $(settings['open'], this).bind('click',;   $(settings['open'], this).parent().find(settings['close']).bind('click', function(event){     event.preventdefault();     methods.close();   }); });   }   }).call(this); 


i figured out wrong. thank guys!


this pretty simple solution. replaces login link span contains text wanted.


$('button').on('click',function(){     $('#login').replacewith('<span>logged in</span>'); }); 


<a id='login' href='#'>log in</a> <button>submit</button> 

edit: posted submit id.

$('#submit').on('click',function(){     $('#login').replacewith('<span>logged in</span>'); }); 

edit2: prevent default?.

$('#submit').on('click',function(e){     e.preventdefault();     $('#login').replacewith('<span>logged in</span>'); }); 


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