javascript - Pass in parameter to handlebars helper -

so have handlebars helper simple -

handlebars.registerhelper('selectrow', (rowindex, selectedids) ->   console.log 'row index'   console.log rowindex   console.log selectedids   isselected = _.indexof(rowindex, selectedids)   if isselected > -1      return 'class="row-selected"' ) 

and have handlebars code -

<div class="title">{{ title }}</div> <hr/> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">   <thead>     {{#each columns}}     <th class="col-heading" data-heading="{{ }}">{{ }}</th>     {{/each}}   </thead>   <tbody>     {{#each rows}}         <tr {{#selectrow @index selected }}>           {{#each this}}           <td>             {{this}}           </td>           {{/each}}         </tr>       {{/selectrow}}     {{/each}}    </tbody> </table> 

the selected parameter undefined. if add {{ selected }} anywhere else, shows array, which, can see below, should -

data = selected = @model.get('selection').get('selected') @$el.html(@tablecontentstemplate({   columns: @model.get('columns')   rows: data   title : @model.get('title')   selected: json.stringify(selected) })) 

how pass in selected parameter correctly helper?

you're using selected variable inside handlebars each loop, imagine selected not in scope.


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