javascript - angular js date input formatting -

i trying create date input in angularjs app , have trouble formatting date. have created plnkr illustrate issue:

my issue regardless of date format receiving sql server (i put 2 sample dates in plnkr 2013-07-11t00:00:00.000 , 2013-07-11), javascript date object applying time zone code , affecting display of date in input field displaying 07/10/2013 instead of correct date of 7/11/2013. want date returned database, don't want timezone applied @ all, date relevant me, not time. need create custom directive accurately display date want getting iso date time , assigning date string input? or there better solution. here sample of code thinking might need use format date in directive:

var newdate =  $scope.databasedata.mydate.toisostring(); newdate = new date(newdate); $scope.databasedata.mydate= new date((newdate.getutcmonth() +1) + "/" +newdate.getutcdate() + "/" + newdate.getutcfullyear()); 

angularjs uses iso8601 spec date , time. need shift timezone if want javascript parse iso8601 string correctly.

however if create date object this

$scope.thing1 = new date(2013, 6, 11);  (month 0 based.) 

this dumped thu jul 11 2013 00:00:00 gmt-0400 (eastern daylight time) in console.

the date object automatically picks time zone , render correctly 07/11/2013.


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