How to specify the classpath to the acceleoCompiler ant task to compile mtl files -

i'm trying compile acceleo mtl files using ant task:

<target name="compileemtsfiles">     <echo>...... running acceleo mtl=emtl file compilation</echo>     <acceleocompiler          sourcefolder="src/main/java"          outputfolder="build/classes/main"          binaryresource="false"          dependencies=""          packagestoregister="">     </acceleocompiler>     <echo>...... finished acceleo mtl=emtl file compilation</echo> </target> 

but acceleocompiler seems have problem find "". can found in src/main/java, dont know how specify kind of classpath acceleocompiler:

 [echo] ...... running acceleo mtl=emtl file compilation  [acceleocompiler]   build failed  c:\path\build.acceleo.xml:24: 

any ideas how can proceed?

regards, michael

i found solution. needed add bin folder classpath of taskdef:

<path id="acceleoclasspath">     <!-- org.eclipse.acceleo.parser_?.jar etc-->     <fileset dir="libs">         <include name="**/*.jar" />     </fileset>     <pathelement path="bin"/> </path>  <taskdef id="acceleocompiler" name="acceleocompiler"      classname="org.eclipse.acceleo.parser.compiler.acceleocompiler"      classpathref="acceleoclasspath" /> 


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