for loop - Turning a Data.Frame with 28441 Rows in it to a Dataframe with 28 Rows and 1000 Columns in R -

i have data frame 28441 zip codes , column in data frame. want turn 28 rows 1000 zip codes each in , 1 441 zip codes:

i have tried following in r language:<-read.csv('e:/my docments/zip_codes.csv', header= true, fill=true            quote="\"", na.strings='ns', stringsasfactors=false)  (i in 1:length( {  for(j in 1:1000) {[j,i]<[i,j]  } }  following error: error in[j, i] <- zip,codes[i, j] :  incorrect number of subscripts on matrix 

each zip code unique , not repeated.

what missing? appreciated.


i assuming want once. if have number of lists of zip codes of different lengths need modify somewhat.

zip<-seq(1:28441)        #fake zip codes example zip[28842:29000]<-na     #pads zip codes fit nicely in matrix zipmat<-matrix(data=zip,nrow=29, ncol=100) #now in 29 row 100 column matrix 

the on matrix() command has couple of options (dimnames, byrow) might find useful.


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