Using wget to get an excel files with FOR loop syntax on batch/CMD (*.bat) programing -

refer question looping using in batch (*.bat) / cmd.

i want use wget excel files.

excel01.xls --> link : http://portal/excel01.xls excel02.xls --> link : http://portal/excel02.xls ... excel12.xls --> link : http://portal/excel12.xls 

my code :

echo off set /p start= input start : %=% set /p end= input end : %=%  /l %%i in (%start%,1,%end%) echo wget "http://portal/excel0%%i.xls" pause 

result :

input start : 1 input end : 12 wget "http://portal/excel01.xls" wget "http://portal/excel02.xls" wget "http://portal/excel03.xls" wget "http://portal/excel04.xls" wget "http://portal/excel05.xls" wget "http://portal/excel06.xls" wget "http://portal/excel07.xls" wget "http://portal/excel08.xls" wget "http://portal/excel09.xls" wget "http://portal/excel010.xls" wget "http://portal/excel011.xls" wget "http://portal/excel012.xls" press key continue . . . 

how correct script results in row 10-12 :

wget "http://portal/excel010.xls" wget "http://portal/excel011.xls" wget "http://portal/excel012.xls" 


wget "http://portal/excel10.xls" wget "http://portal/excel11.xls" wget "http://portal/excel12.xls" 

i'm sorry not speak english well. :)

this script prepends 0 number, gets last 2 characters. have assumed don't need worry numbers >= 100.

@echo off  setlocal enableextensions setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set /p start= input start : %=% set /p end= input end : %=%  /l %%i in (%start%,1,%end%) (     set num=0%%i     set num=!num:~-2!     echo wget "http://portal/excel!num!.xls" ) pause 


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