Character in Java game not responding -

i have been following java game tutorials , go stuck on one, 1 here: have issue character not respond arrow keys. if great. code:

package thejavahubgame;  import java.awt.color; import java.awt.font; import; import java.awt.image; import java.awt.event.keyadapter; import java.awt.event.keyevent;  import javax.swing.imageicon; import javax.swing.jframe;  public class main extends jframe implements runnable{      int x, y, xdirection = 10, ydirection = 10;     private image dbimage;     private graphics dbg;     image face;      public void run(){         try{             while(true){                  move();                  thread.sleep(5);             }         }         catch(exception e){             system.out.println("error");          }     }      font font = new font("arial", font.bold | font.italic, 15);          public void move(){             x += xdirection;             y += ydirection;              if(x <= 0)                 x = 0;             if (x >= 200)                 x = 200;             if(y <= 50)                 y = 50;             if(y >= 250)                 y = 250;         }          public void setxdirection(int xdir){             xdirection = xdir;         }          public void setydirection(int ydir){             ydirection = ydir;         }         public class al extends keyadapter{             public void keypressed(keyevent e){                 int keycode = e.getkeycode();                  if(keycode == e.vk_left){                     setxdirection(-1);                     system.out.println("key pressed");                 }                  if(keycode == e.vk_right){                      setxdirection(+1);                  }                  if(keycode == e.vk_up){                     setydirection(-1);                 }                  if(keycode == e.vk_down){                     setydirection(+1);                 }              }              public void keyreleased(keyevent e){                 int keycode = e.getkeycode();                  if(keycode == e.vk_left){                     setxdirection(0);                     system.out.println("key pressed");                 }                 if(keycode == e.vk_right){                     setxdirection(0);                 }                 if(keycode == e.vk_up){                     setydirection(0);                 }                 if(keycode == e.vk_down){                     setydirection(0);                 }             }         }      public main(){          //load images         imageicon = new imageicon("f:/android/workspace/thejavahubgame/src/thejavahubgame/face.gif");         face = i.getimage();          //game properties         addkeylistener(new al());         settitle("java game");         setsize(250,250);         setresizable(false);         setvisible(true);         setdefaultcloseoperation(exit_on_close);         setbackground(;          x=150;         y=150;     }      public void paint(graphics g){         dbimage = createimage(getwidth(), getheight());         dbg = dbimage.getgraphics();         paintcomponent(dbg);         g.drawimage(dbimage,0,0, this);     }      public void paintcomponent(graphics g){         g.setfont(font);         g.setcolor(color.magenta);         g.drawstring("super-mega ball bouncer ii", 50, 50);         g.setcolor(;         g.filloval(x, y, 15, 15);         g.drawimage(face, x, y, this);         repaint();     }       public static void main(string[] args){         main jg = new main();         //threads         thread t1 = new thread();         t1.start();     }     } 

thank you!

this may culprit:

main jg = new main(); //threads thread t1 = new thread(); t1.start(); 

you didn't pass runnable thread, thread isn't doing anything. without update thread, nothing in game move. try this:

main jg = new main(); //threads thread t1 = new thread(jg); t1.start(); 


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