Sencha Touch - How to hide custom button when touch back button? -

i create custom button in navigation view in project have 3 viewport.when push navigation view , push button custom button hide.but when push navigation view , push showsearchcategory view navigation view , when push button showsearchcategory view in navigation view isn't hide custom button.
where code wrong?

my controller

ext.define('catalog.controller.main', {     extend: '',      config: {         refs: {             homepanel: 'homepanel',             but: 'homepanel #category',             categorybutton: 'button[action=categories]',              list:'list',             homepanellist: 'homepanel #applist',             navigationlist: 'navigation #catlist',             navigation: 'navigation',             showsearchcategorylist: 'showsearchcategory list'          },         control: {             homepanellist:{                 itemtap: 'showapp'             },             categorybutton:{                 tap: 'showcat'             },             homepanel: {                 back: 'backbuttonhandler'             },             navigationlist:{                 itemtap: 'showcatquery'             },             navigation:{                 back: 'backbuttonnav'             },             showsearchcategory:{                 back: 'backfromcategorylist'             },             showsearchcategorylist:{                 itemtap: 'showappfromcategory'             }         }     },     backbuttonhandler: function(button){         ext.getcmp('category').show();     },     backbuttonnav: function(button){         ext.getcmp('category').hide();     },     showcat: function(btn){  **<<<<< second view**         ext.getcmp('category').hide();         this.gethomepanel().animateactiveitem({             xtype: 'navigation'         },         {             type:'slide',              direction:'up'         }         );      },     backfromcategorylist: function(button){        ext.getcmp('category').hide();      },     showcatquery: function(list,index,element,record){ **<<<<< third view**         ext.getcmp('category').hide();          var catid = record.get('id');         var catname = record.get('name');         this.gethomepanel().push({             xtype: 'panel',             title: catname,             scrollable: true,             stylehtmlcontent: true,             layout: {                 type: 'fit'             },              items: [                 {                     catid: catid,                     xtype: 'showsearchcategory',                 }             ]         });     } }); 

1.hompanel view:

ext.define('catalog.view.home', {     extend: 'ext.navigation.view',     xtype: 'homepanel',     config: {         navigationbar: {             items: [                 {                     xtype: 'button',                     text: 'categories',                     id: 'category',                     translate: true,                     translationkey: 'navigationbar.category',                     align: 'left',                     action : 'categories'                 }             ]         },         title: 'all',         iconcls: 'list',         cls: 'home',         stylehtmlcontent: true,         tabbarposition: 'bottom',         items:[             {                 title: "all apps",                 xtype: 'list',                 id:'applist',                 itemtpl: new ext.xtemplate(                     '<img src="{id}/original/{appicon_file_name}" width="50" heigh="50" style="float:left;clear:both;"></img>',                     '<div style="margin-left: 60px;word-wrap: break-word;width:80%;">',                     '<span style="font-size:16px;">{name}</span><br>',                     '<span style="font-size:13px;color:#7c7c7c;" id="catname">{categoryname}</span>',                     '</div>'                  ),                 store: {                     autoload: true,                     fields: ['id','name','created_at','appicon_file_name','categoryid','categoryname','url_ios','url_android','gallery','description'],                     sorters: [{                         property:'created_at',                         direction:'desc'                     }],                     proxy: {                         type: 'jsonp',                         url: '',                         reader:{                             type: 'json',                             rootproperty:'appinfos'                         }                        }                 }             }         ]     } }); 

2.navigation view:

ext.define('catalog.view.navigation', {     extend: 'ext.navigation.view',     xtype: 'navigation',     requires: [''],     config: {         navigationbar: false,         title: 'catalog',         ui: 'dark',         items: [             {                 xtype: 'list',                 id: 'catlist',                 itemtpl: '<span style="font-size:16px;" id="cattname">{name}</span>',                 store: {                     storeid: 'mystore',                     autoload: true,                     fields: ['id','name'],                     sorters: [{                         property:'name',                     }],                     proxy: {                         type: 'jsonp',                         url: '',                         reader:{                             type: 'json',                             rootproperty:'catalog'                         }                        }                 }             }         ]        }  }); 

3.showsearchcategory view:

ext.define('catalog.view.showsearchcategory', {     extend: 'ext.navigation.view',     xtype: 'showsearchcategory',     requires: [''],     config: {         catid: null,         navigationbar: false,         items: [             {                 xtype: 'list',                 itemtpl: new ext.xtemplate(                     '<img src="{id}/original/{appicon_file_name}" width="50" heigh="50" style="float:left;clear:both;"></img>',                     '<div style="margin-left: 60px;word-wrap: break-word;width:80%;">',                     '<span style="font-size:16px;">{name}</span><br>',                     '<span style="font-size:13px;color:#7c7c7c;" id="catname">{categoryname}</span>',                     '</div>'                  ),                 store: {                     autoload: true,                     storeid: 'allapp',                     fields: ['id','name','created_at','appicon_file_name','categoryid','categoryname','url_ios','url_android','gallery','description'],                     sorters: [{                         property:'created_at',                         direction:'desc'                     }],                     proxy: {                         type: 'jsonp',                         url: '',                         reader:{                             type: 'json',                             rootproperty:'appinfos'                         }                        }                 }             }         ]            },     initialize: function() {         var sto = ext.getstore('allapp');         sto.clearfilter();         sto.filter('categoryid', this.getcatid());         this.callparent(arguments);     } }); 

ext.define('catalog.view.navigation', {     extend: 'ext.navigation.view',     xtype: 'navigation',     requires: [''],     config: {         navigationbar: false,         title: 'catalog',         ui: 'dark',         items: [             {                 xtype: 'list',                 id: 'catlist',                 itemtpl: '<span style="font-size:16px;" id="cattname">{name}</span>',                 store: {                     storeid: 'mystore',                     autoload: true,                     fields: ['id','name'],                     sorters: [{                         property:'name',                     }],                     proxy: {                         type: 'jsonp',                         url: '',                         reader:{                             type: 'json',                             rootproperty:'catalog'                         }                        }                 }             }         ],            listeners:{             painted:function() {                 ext.getcmp('category').hide();             }         }     } }); 

please add listener inside config after items , add painted function in write hide functionality .this work. painted function view , cannot written in controller.


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