cocoa touch - Getting touches at launch on iOS -
on mac, 1 can location of mouse "outside event stream" (ie, if you've not subscribed delegate methods mouseup: et al) calling [nsevent mouselocation] . is there way on ios current touch events without listening touchesbegan: ? i ask because there @ least 1 situation in touchesbegan not called: at app launch, if touch in progress, touchesbegan never called . in fact, neither of touch-related uievent methods called near can tell (nor uiapplication's / uiwindow's sendevent: , apparently). i vary behavior of app based on whether touch in progress @ launch. is there way detect in-progress touch @ app launch ? this cannot done. simple reason: touch events don't belong app. each touch belongs ui element (or responder). know, element gets began, moved, ended, cancelled messages. this true within programmed app: events regarding one touch delivered same object. after all, how object know event, , how should first object finish expected behavior...