OpenCV - Does there exist a function to do BOW (Bag-of-Words) in python? -
i have use opencv 2.4.6 bow(bag of words), code c++. want in python.
i have searched opencv-python reference ( didn't answer., know maybe there not opencv-python bow. can find it?
since have trained vocabulary using c++, when photo want bow vector compare vocabulary. c++ uses bowimgdescriptorextractor()
function it. there exist python code bowimgdescriptorextractor()
i have write sample code this, (1)first of all, use python c++ api train bow vocabulary , save file. (2) write c++ code image's bow vectorization representation code :
vector<double> features;//store feature bool readvocabulary(const string& filename, mat& vocabulary) { filestorage fs(filename, filestorage::read); if (fs.isopened()) { fs["vocabulary"] >> vocabulary; return true; } return false; } //imgpath image filepath, vocpath voc path void getimgbow(char* imgpath, char* vocpath) { cv::initmodule_nonfree(); ptr<featuredetector> featuredetector = featuredetector::create("surf"); ptr<descriptorextractor> descextractor = descriptorextractor::create("surf"); ptr<descriptormatcher> descmatcher = descriptormatcher::create("flannbased"); ptr<bowimgdescriptorextractor> bowextractor; if (featuredetector.empty() || descextractor.empty() || descmatcher.empty()) { cout << "featuredetector or descextractor not created" << endl; } bowextractor = new bowimgdescriptorextractor(descextractor, descmatcher); mat vocabulary; readvocabulary(vocpath, vocabulary); bowextractor->setvocabulary(vocabulary); mat img = imread(imgpath); if (img.rows < img.cols) cv::resize(img, img, size(320, 240)); else cv::resize(img, img, size(240, 320)); vector<keypoint> keypoints; mat descriptors; featuredetector->detect(img, keypoints); bowextractor->compute(img, keypoints, descriptors); (int j = 0; j < descriptors.cols; j++) { float value =<float> (0, j); features.push_back(value); } }
(3), encode c++ code python module:
pyobject* wrap_contentfilter(pyobject* self, pyobject* args) { //parse python parameters. if (!pyarg_parsetuple(args, "sssoo", &imgpath, &vocpath, &modelpath, &candidate_list, &can_pro_lsit)) //you may use pyint_asssize_t , on type change. //invoke getimgbow function. //construct pyobject , return python, use pylist_setitem function,pyobject* } static pymethoddef predictmethods[] = { { "content_filter", wrap_contentfilter, meth_varargs, "get image's bow, predict" }, { null, null } }; extern "c" void initcontentfilter() { pyobject* m; m = py_initmodule("contentfilter", predictmethods); }
(4)we write python example invoke c++ function.
import contentfilter contentfilter.content_filter(parameters)
(5) compile c++ function:
g++ -fpic content_filter.cpp -o -shared -i/usr/local/include -i/usr/include/python2.7 -i/usr/lib/python2.7/config -l/usr/local/lib -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_nonfree -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_ml -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_core
(6) python
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