location - Android google maps - make polyline more straighter /smoother -

i creating app draw walking path gps. okay, path drawing when walk, have 1 question - possible somehow make path line straighter programmatically?

for example. first, after walking see path this(it not polyline, polygon in example, think idea): https://www.dropbox.com/s/763mq0wja6x7lpy/11.png

but after saving, app made path more straighter/smoother: https://www.dropbox.com/s/npwkz9coqve7m4g/22.png

how this? because don't have idea.

i drawing path locationlistener:

locationmanager locationmanager = (locationmanager)this.getsystemservice(context.location_service);

    criteria criteria = new criteria();   //criteria.setpowerrequirement(criteria.power_low);      criteria.setaccuracy(criteria.accuracy_fine);     criteria.setaltituderequired(false);     criteria.setbearingrequired(false);     criteria.setcostallowed(true);     criteria.setspeedrequired(false);            string bestprovider = locationmanager.getbestprovider(criteria, true);     locationmanager.requestlocationupdates(bestprovider, 500, 3, ); 

and onlocationchanged listener:

public void onlocationchanged(location location) {

          if(lastlocationloc == null)                            lastlocationloc = location;                latlng lastlatlng= locationtolatlng(lastlocationloc);           latlng thislatlng= locationtolatlng(location);           mmap.addpolyline                        (new polylineoptions().add(lastlatlng).add(thislatlng).width(4).color(color.red));           lastlocationloc = location;                } 

the locationmanager never give exact locations. therefore, while may not walking in non-smooth way, gps coordinates jumpy, if set high accuracy in criteria.

so, when draw path, may consider using android's path api

for code on this, @ answer:

android how draw smooth line following finger


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