C# api responce and request -

i have code

           try         {               string url = "http://myanimelist.net/api/animelist/update/" + "6.xml";             webrequest request = webrequest.create(url);              request.contenttype = "xml/text";             request.method = "post";             request.credentials = new networkcredential("username", "password");               byte[] buffer = encoding.getencoding("utf-8").getbytes("<episode>4</episode>");             stream reqstr = request.getrequeststream();             reqstr.write(buffer, 0, buffer.length);             reqstr.close();             messagebox.show("updated");         }         catch (exception s)         {             messagebox.show(s.message);         } 

i trying send data myanimelist.net code have written this

    url:  http://myanimelist.net/api/animelist/update/id.xml            formats: xml    http method(s): post      requires authentication:true         parameters:    id. required. id of anime update.       example: http://myanimelist.net/api/animelist/update/21.xml       data. required. parameter specified 'data' must passed. must contain                    anime values in xml format.   response: 'updated' or detailed error message.  

the usage code example have stated this, know how in c# or wrong original code?

   usage examples:    curl: curl -u user:password -d data="xml"         http://myanimelist.net/api/animelist/update/21.xml 

edit: when lauch myanimelist.net shows has not been updated, sure username , password credentials correct

edit 2 : have added response comes error "the remote server returned error: (501) not implemented."

you're not performing request, once you're done writing request stream itself, perform actual web request:

  string result;    using (httpwebresponse response = (httpwebresponse)request.getresponse())   {        using (streamreader reader = new streamreader(response.getresponsestream()))        {             result = reader.readtoend();        }   } 

also, content type should text/xml or application/xml - api may complaining that. read documentation api , ensure you're sending correct.


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