objective c - download multiple images on iOS app -

i use code download images ios app web.


[afimagedownloader imagedownloaderwithurlstring:@"http://static.ashfurrow.com.s3.amazonaws.com/github/worked.jpg" autostart:yes completion:^(uiimage *decompressedimage) { self.imageview.image = decompressedimage; }]; 

as can see code downloads 1 image...

how can download more images @ once?

let's images names that:

xy.png x number 1 999, , y number 1 4 example: 1651.png, 1652.png, 1653.png, 1654.png - can see, last digit of image names "y", 1 4... rule, image names ends 1, 2, 3, 4.

but, 165 "x", next set of images 1661.png, 1662.png, 1663.png, 1664.png

i hope got point.. so, need download images names 11.png 9994.png

any ideas? how download using above code , save them original name.

thanks in advance

ever heard of nested loop?

static const nsuinteger xlowerbound = 1; static const nsuinteger xupperbound = 999; static const nsuinteger ylowerbound = 1; static const nsuinteger yupperbound = 4;  static nsstring *const path = @"http://static.ashfurrow.com.s3.amazonaws.com/"; static nsstring *const imgext = @"jpg";  (nsuinteger x = xlowerbound; x <= xupperbound; x++) {     (nsuinteger y = ylowerbound; y <= ylowerbound; y++) {         nsstring *combined = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%lu%lu", (unsigned long)x, (unsigned long)y];         nsstring *urlstring = [path stringbyappendingpathcomponent:[combined stringbyappendingpathextension:imgext]];          [afimagedownloader imagedownloaderwithurlstring:urlstring autostart:yes completion:^(uiimage *decompressedimage) {             // stuff         }     } } 

that said, shouldn't doing this. =p


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