ms access - Running a database in run time version brings up an error -

i've finished creating database , works on computer. i'm using access 2013 , in vba code have written error handler each function/sub use in databases. users designed have access run-time 2007 , every time run on machine un-trapped error "execution of application has stopped due run-time error".

code command button.

option compare database

 private sub command0_click()  dim errorstep string  docmd.setwarnings false  '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ' procedure : command0_click  ' author    : chris sparkes  ' date      : 13/08/2013  '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  errorstep = "1 - cleansing records"  docmd.openquery "qry1_3"  docmd.openquery "qry4-7"  docmd.openquery "qry9"   call exceloutputreport   exit_command0_click:  on error goto 0  exit sub   command0_click_error:  msgbox "error in procedure command0_click of vba document."  goto exit_command0_click  on error goto 0   end sub    public function exceloutputreport()  dim errorstep string docmd.setwarnings false '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' procedure : exceloutputreport ' author    : chris sparkes ' date      : 13/08/2013 '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- errorstep = "1 - cleansing records"   dim dblocal dao.database     dim tbloutput dao.recordset     'dao declarations      dim objexcel new excel.application     dim objworkbook excel.workbook     dim objworksheet excel.worksheet       dim intcurrtask integer     dim blurb string      set dblocal = currentdb()     set tbloutput = dblocal.openrecordset("tbl_output")      set objexcel = createobject("excel.application")     set objworkbook ="g:\enliven sales                 report\envliven_report_template_1.xls")     set objworksheet = objworkbook.worksheets("enliven")      objexcel.visible = true = true      tbloutput.movefirst     intcurrtask = 2  while not tbloutput.eof     objworksheet      .cells(intcurrtask, 1).value = tbloutput![customerordercode]     .cells(intcurrtask, 2).value = tbloutput![customercode]     .cells(intcurrtask, 3).value = tbloutput![customerdescription]     .cells(intcurrtask, 4).value = tbloutput![itemcode]     .cells(intcurrtask, 5).value = tbloutput![itemdescription]     .cells(intcurrtask, 6).value = tbloutput![dateorderplaced]     .cells(intcurrtask, 7).value = tbloutput![customerduedate]     .cells(intcurrtask, 8).value = tbloutput![quantity]     .cells(intcurrtask, 9).value = tbloutput![shippedquantity]            end          intcurrtask = intcurrtask + 1         tbloutput.movenext     loop      tbloutput.close     dblocal.close      docmd.setwarnings true          set tbloutput = nothing         set dblocal = nothing         set objworksheet = nothing         set objworkbook = nothing         set objexcel = nothing  exit_exceloutputreport:     on error goto 0     exit function  exceloutputreport_error:     msgbox "error @ in procedure exceloutputreport of vba document."     goto exit_exceloutputreport      end function 

has got ideas may causing this? references should fine i'm using same ones know have worked different databases i've made.

thanks, chris

you have added error routines, did not activate them. @ beginning of methods, add on error goto statement:

private sub command0_click()     on error goto command0_click_error     ... end sub  public function exceloutputreport()     on error goto exceloutputreport_error     ... end sub 

in error routines, should display (at least) contents of err.description instead of generic error message. otherwise, have hard time tracking source of errors. e.g.:

msgbox "error in procedure command0_click: " & err.description 


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