java - Netbeans project still running when using `Runtime.getRuntime().exec("explorer.exe");` -

i'm working on (non-malicious) screen-locking sort of swing application, , i've adapted code martijn courteaux's answer @ use java lock screen this. problem when use runtime.getruntime().exec("explorer.exe"); reopen explorer process @ program closing, netbeans thinks project still running because resulting explorer.exe running. cmd prompt , jcreator don't have issue.

can give example of preferred way call command explorer.exe avoid happening netbeans?

edit: close explorer process @ start of program (which includes taskbar). when run explorer, it's not open windows explorer window (which works totally fine given answers) restore regular windows ui.

the problem runtime@exec waiting child process exit. default behavior.

if want execute parentless process (a process in parent process can terminate though child still running), need little more creative.

we use...

"cmd /c start /b /normal " + yourcommand 

i highlight recommend using processbuilder makes easier build , execute external commands.

something like...

processbuilder pb = new processbuilder("cmd", "/c", "start", "/b", "/normal", "explorer.exe"); pb.start(); 

for example....

nb run netbeans , program exited after/as explorer opened.

there 1 little draw back. doesn't long file names. you'll need find way produce short file names/paths work. forced use jni solution this


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