Hotel availability search query on MYSQL -

this question exact duplicate of:

i having little problem calculating total price of each room hotel.

for example:

room_1_total 170 on each row hotel_id 1. room_2_total 170 on each row hotel_id 1.

room_1_total 10 on each row hotel_id 2.(i m sure, not working) room_2_total 10 on each row hotel_id 2.(for sure, not working)

and on...

here code along output..!2/575d3/2

mysql query:

db structure , dummy data...

create table if not exists `omc_hotel` (  `id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `name` varchar(100) not null,   primary key (`id`) )engine=innodb  default charset=latin1;  insert `omc_hotel` (`id`, `name`) values (1, 'hotel abc'), (2, 'hotel csb'), (3, 'hotel csd'), (4, 'hotel ndg');  create table if not exists `omc_hotel_room` (   `id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `name` varchar(100) not null,    `pax_min` int(11) default null,   `pax_max` int(11) default null,   `quantity` int(11) default null,    `hotel_id` int(11) not null,   primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb  default charset=latin1 ; insert `omc_hotel_room` (`id`, `name`, `pax_min`,  `pax_max`, `quantity`, `hotel_id`) values (1,'single',1,1,150,1), (2,'single',1,1,250,2), (3,'double',2,2,200,1), (4,'double',2,2,405,2), (5,'double',1,1,405,3), (6,'double delax',2,2,50,3), (7,'double',1,1,100,4);   create table if not exists `omc_hotel_room_extra_quota` (   `id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `hotel_id` int(11) not null,   `room_type_id` int(11) not null,   `quantity` int(11) not null,   `date` date not null,   primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb  default charset=utf8;  insert `omc_hotel_room_extra_quota` (`id`, `hotel_id`, `room_type_id`, `quantity`, `date`) values (1, 1, 1, -10, '2013-08-13'), (2, 1, 3, -10, '2013-08-25'), (3, 2, 2, 0, '2013-09-26'), (4, 2, 4, 0, '2013-09-27'), (5, 3, 5, 0, '2013-10-28'), (6, 3, 5, 0, '2013-10-09');   create table if not exists `omc_hotel_room_pricelist` (   `id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `hotel_id` int(11) not null,   `room_type_id` int(11) not null,   `season_id` int(11) not null,   `price_normal` decimal(5,2) default null,    primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb  default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_swedish_ci;  insert `omc_hotel_room_pricelist` (`id`, `hotel_id`, `room_type_id`, `season_id`, `price_normal`) values (1, 1, 1, 1, 50.00), (2, 2, 2, 2, 10.00), (3, 1, 1, 1, 35.00), (4, 1, 1, 2, 70.00), (5, 1, 1, 1, 80.00), (6, 2, 4, 1, 80.00), (7, 4, 7, 2, 80.00), (8, 3, 6, 1, 80.00), (9, 3, 5, 1, 30.00);  create table if not exists `omc_hotel_season_period` (   `id` int(11) not null auto_increment,   `hotel_id` int(11) not null,   `season_id` int(11) not null,   `date` date not null,    primary key (`id`) ) engine=innodb  default charset=utf8 collate=utf8_swedish_ci;   insert `omc_hotel_season_period` (`id`, `hotel_id`, `season_id`, `date`) values (1, 1, 1, '2013-08-13'), (2, 1, 1, '2013-08-14'), (3, 1, 2, '2013-08-15'), (4, 2, 1, '2013-08-13'), (5, 2, 1, '2013-08-14'), (6, 2, 2, '2013-08-15'), (7, 3, 2, '2013-08-13'), (8, 3, 2, '2013-08-14'), (9, 3, 1, '2013-08-15'), (10, 1, 1, '2013-08-13'), (11, 1, 1, '2013-08-14'), (12, 1, 1, '2013-08-14');  select candidates.hotel_id, omc_hotel_season_period.season_id,        room_1_id, r1_price.price_normal room_1_price, sum(r1_price.price_normal) room_1_total,        room_2_id,r2_price.price_normal room_2_price,sum(r2_price.price_normal) room_2_total, (select r1.hotel_id, room_1_id, room_2_id omc_hotel_room r1       inner join omc_hotel_room r2 on r1.hotel_id = r2.hotel_id       r1.quantity >= 3 , r2.quantity >= 4 , r1.pax_max = 1 , r2.pax_max = 2) candidates left join omc_hotel_season_period           on candidates.hotel_id = omc_hotel_season_period.hotel_id              , date between '2013-08-13' , '2013-08-15'              , <> 0 left join omc_hotel_room_pricelist r1_price           on (candidates.hotel_id = r1_price.hotel_id               , room_1_id= r1_price.room_type_id) left join omc_hotel_room_pricelist r2_price           on (candidates.hotel_id = r2_price.hotel_id               , room_1_id = r2_price.room_type_id)     r1_price.season_id =  omc_hotel_season_period.season_id     ,     r2_price.season_id =  omc_hotel_season_period.season_id group candidates.hotel_id,  

try , see if u want.

select candidates.hotel_id, omc_hotel_season_period.season_id,    room_1_id, r1_price.price_normal room_1_price, sum(r1_price.price_normal) room_1_total,    room_2_id,r2_price.price_normal room_2_price,sum(r2_price.price_normal) room_2_total,,    (select sum(room1_price.price_normal)     omc_hotel_room_pricelist room1_price     inner join omc_hotel_room room1 on room1_price.hotel_id = room1.hotel_id     inner join omc_hotel_season_period so1 on room1_price.hotel_id = so1.hotel_id , room1_price.season_id = so1.season_id     inner join omc_hotel hotel1 on room1_price.hotel_id =   between '2013-08-13' , '2013-08-15' ,        room1.quantity >= 3 , room1.pax_max = 1 , = candidates.hotel_id      group candidates.hotel_id    ) room_1_sum (select r1.hotel_id, room_1_id, room_2_id omc_hotel_room r1   inner join omc_hotel_room r2 on r1.hotel_id = r2.hotel_id   r1.quantity >= 3 , r2.quantity >= 4 , r1.pax_max = 1 , r2.pax_max = 2)    candidates left join omc_hotel_season_period       on candidates.hotel_id = omc_hotel_season_period.hotel_id          , date between '2013-08-13' , '2013-08-15'          , <> 0 left join omc_hotel_room_pricelist r1_price       on (candidates.hotel_id = r1_price.hotel_id           , room_1_id= r1_price.room_type_id) left join omc_hotel_room_pricelist r2_price       on (candidates.hotel_id = r2_price.hotel_id           , room_1_id = r2_price.room_type_id) r1_price.season_id =  omc_hotel_season_period.season_id , r2_price.season_id =  omc_hotel_season_period.season_id group candidates.hotel_id 


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