Arduino Ethernet Board R3 with WIFI -

i have been playing around arduino 2 days now, new this, have problem: wifi shield wont work arduino ethernet r3. got them sparkfun:

and every time try run code:

/*   example  prints wifi shield's mac address, ,  scans available wifi networks using wifi shield.  every ten seconds, scans again. doesn't  connect network, no encryption scheme specified.   circuit:  * wifi shield attached   created 13 july 2010  dlf (metodo2 srl)  modified 21 junn 2012  tom igoe , jaymes dec */   #include <spi.h> #include <wifi.h>  void setup() {   //initialize serial , wait port open:   serial.begin(9600);   while (!serial) {     ; // wait serial port connect. needed leonardo   }    // check presence of shield:   unsigned long start=millis();   while (wifi.status() == wl_no_shield)    {     if ((millis()-start)>30000)     {       serial.println("wifi shield not present");        // don't continue:       while(true);     }     delay(500);   }    // print wifi mac address:   printmacaddress();    // scan existing networks:   serial.println("scanning available networks...");   listnetworks(); }  void loop() {   delay(10000);   // scan existing networks:   serial.println("scanning available networks...");   listnetworks(); }  void printmacaddress() {   // mac address of wifi shield   byte mac[6];                         // print mac address:   wifi.macaddress(mac);   serial.print("mac: ");   serial.print(mac[5],hex);   serial.print(":");   serial.print(mac[4],hex);   serial.print(":");   serial.print(mac[3],hex);   serial.print(":");   serial.print(mac[2],hex);   serial.print(":");   serial.print(mac[1],hex);   serial.print(":");   serial.println(mac[0],hex); }  void listnetworks() {   // scan nearby networks:   serial.println("** scan networks **");   int numssid = wifi.scannetworks();   if (numssid == -1)   {     serial.println("couldn't wifi connection");     while(true);   }    // print list of networks seen:   serial.print("number of available networks:");   serial.println(numssid);    // print network number , name each network found:   (int thisnet = 0; thisnet<numssid; thisnet++) {     serial.print(thisnet);     serial.print(") ");     serial.print(wifi.ssid(thisnet));     serial.print("\tsignal: ");     serial.print(wifi.rssi(thisnet));     serial.print(" dbm");     serial.print("\tencryption: ");     printencryptiontype(wifi.encryptiontype(thisnet));   } }  void printencryptiontype(int thistype) {   // read encryption type , print out name:   switch (thistype) {   case enc_type_wep:     serial.println("wep");     break;   case enc_type_tkip:     serial.println("wpa");     break;   case enc_type_ccmp:     serial.println("wpa2");     break;   case enc_type_none:     serial.println("none");     break;   case enc_type_auto:     serial.println("auto");     break;   } } 

i wifi shield not present. ideas on how connect it?

thank you!

the products listed seem redundant. specifically, ~/11361 all-in-one arduino dev. board + ethernet no wireless (i.e. ethernet connection via cable), while ~/11287 wifi shield used on generic arduino board , connects internet.

the problem might using 11287 shield on 11361 leads conflicts? don't know, link has following comment:

the wifi library similar ethernet library, , many of function calls same.

which makes me little suspect.

try shield (11287) on standard arduino board.


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