c# - How can i send email one after one in a row? -
in form1 in backgroundworkerdowork event did:
se.sendphotos(photofilesdir + "\\" + "photofiles.zip"); se.sendphotos(photofilesdir1 + "\\" + "photofiles.zip"); se.sendphotos(photofilesdir2 + "\\" + "photofiles.zip"); se.sendphotos(photofilesdir3 + "\\" + "photofiles.zip");
in se class sendemail did:
public void sendphotos(string filenametosend) { try { mailaddress = new mailaddress("test@gmail.com", "user " + (char)0xd8 + " name", system.text.encoding.utf8); mailaddress = new mailaddress("test@test"); photosmessage = new mailmessage(from, to); photosmessage.body = "please check log file attachment have bugs."; string somearrows = new string(new char[] { '\u2190', '\u2191', '\u2192', '\u2193' }); photosmessage.body += environment.newline + somearrows; photosmessage.bodyencoding = system.text.encoding.utf8; photosmessage.subject = "log file checking bugs" + somearrows; photosmessage.subjectencoding = system.text.encoding.utf8; attachment myattachment = new attachment(filenametosend, mediatypenames.application.octet); photosmessage.attachments.add(myattachment); smtpclient photossend = new smtpclient("smtp.gmail.com", 587); photossend.sendcompleted += new sendcompletedeventhandler(photossend_sendcompleted); photossend.enablessl = true; photossend.timeout = 10000; photossend.deliverymethod = smtpdeliverymethod.network; photossend.usedefaultcredentials = false; photossend.credentials = new networkcredential("usern", "userpass"); string userstate = "test message1"; photossend.sendasync(photosmessage, userstate); sendlogfile.enabled = false; fname = filenametosend; } catch (exception errors) { logger.write("error sending message :" + errors); } } private void photossend_sendcompleted(object sender, asynccompletedeventargs e) { photosmessage.dispose(); if (fname == @"c:\users\simbalip\appdata\local\outputphotos\photosfiles3" + "\\" + "photofiles.zip") { photossendended = true; } }
the problem in backgroundworkerdowork never send last 1 photofilesdir3. used breakpoint , getting : photossendended = true; in email im getting 3 files sent me , not 4.
when used breakpoint on backgroundworker , did f11 saw doing 4 sendings 1 after 1 without waiting .
each time photofiles.zip have different files inside. check did breakpoint on line:
if (fname == @"c:\users\simbalip\appdata\local\outputphotos\photosfiles3" + "\\" + "photofiles.zip")
and when there time true == fname never c:\users\simbalip\appdata\local\outputphotos\photosfiles2 or 1 or photosfiles
but in end im getting 3 different photofiles.zip files each contain different files 1 of files never sent.
myabe need make somehow when send email somehow untill first 1 sent send next 1 in process there waitforexit() maybe emails ?
the documentation smtpclient
alludes fact doesn't support parallel operations.
if there e-mail transmission in progress , call sendasync or send again, receive invalidoperationexception.
i recommend not sending next email until sendcompleted
event has been raised. means drastic change in code (where each call sendphotos adds collection of pending send mail operations process in background)
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