php - Joomla countdown for all products -

i want write little code module show countdown product in module show 1 of countdown 1 product.
code :

<?php $ic = 1;  foreach ($product $products) {  $ic++; ?>             <div class="slider-item">                      <div class="sp-vmslider-counter">                         <div id="sp-deal-countdown-<?php echo $ic ?>"></div>                     </div>                     <script type="text/javascript">                         jquery(function($){                                 $('#sp-deal-countdown-<?php echo $ic ?>').countdown({                                          until: new date(<?php                                                 $m = jhtml::date($product->product_available_date , 'm', true)-1;                                                  $y = jhtml::date($product->product_available_date , 'y', true);                                                  $d = jhtml::date($product->product_available_date , 'd', true);                                              echo "$y,$m,$d"; ?>),                                         format: 'dhms',                                         layout: '<ul class="sp-countdown-list">\                                         <li>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-number">{dl}</p>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-names">{dn}</p> \                                         </li>\                                         <li>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-number">{hl}</p>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-names">{hn}</p> \                                         </li>\                                         <li>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-number">{ml}</p>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-names">{mn}</p> \                                         </li>\                                         <li>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-number">{sl}</p>\                                         <p class="sp-countdown-names">{sn}</p>\                                         </li>\                                         </ul>',                                         expirytext: '<div class="label label-important sp-countdown-over">deal over</div>',                                         alwaysexpire:true                                 });                         });                     </script> 

and product variable is:
$products = $productmodel->getproductlisting($product_group, $max_items, true, true, false, true, $category_id);
please me how can show module products? in advance


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