php - Laravel 4 - Trouble overriding model's save method -

i'm trying override post class's save() method can validate of fields saved record:

// user.php <?php  class post extends eloquent {     public function save()     {         // code before save         parent::save();          //code after save     } } 

when try , run method in unit testing following error:

..{"error":{"type":"errorexception","message":"declaration of post::save() should compatible of illuminate\\database\\eloquent\\model::save()","file":"\/var\/www\/laravel\/app\/models\/post.php","line":4}} 

create model.php class extend in self-validating models


class model extends eloquent {      /**      * error message bag      *       * @var illuminate\support\messagebag      */     protected $errors;      /**      * validation rules      *       * @var array      */     protected static $rules = array();      /**      * validator instance      *       * @var illuminate\validation\validators      */     protected $validator;      public function __construct(array $attributes = array(), validator $validator = null)     {         parent::__construct($attributes);          $this->validator = $validator ?: \app::make('validator');     }      /**      * listen save event      */     protected static function boot()     {         parent::boot();          static::saving(function($model)         {             return $model->validate();         });     }      /**      * validates current attributes against rules      */     public function validate()     {         $v = $this->validator->make($this->attributes, static::$rules);          if ($v->passes())         {             return true;         }          $this->seterrors($v->messages());          return false;     }      /**      * set error message bag      *       * @var illuminate\support\messagebag      */     protected function seterrors($errors)     {         $this->errors = $errors;     }      /**      * retrieve error message bag      */     public function geterrors()     {         return $this->errors;     }      /**      * inverse of wassaved      */     public function haserrors()     {         return ! empty($this->errors);     }  } 

then, adjust post model.
also, need define validation rules model.


class post extends model {     // validation rules     protected static $rules = [         'name' => 'required'     ]; } 

controller method
model class, post model automaticaly validated on every call save() method

public function store() {     $post = new post(input::all());      if ($post->save())     {         return redirect::route('posts.index');     }      return redirect::back()->withinput()->witherrors($post->geterrors()); } 

this answer based on jeffrey way's laravel model validation package laravel 4.
credits man!


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