html - Can i add css property shortcuts to sublime text? -

can add more shortcuts 1 sublimetext?

like 1 "m-a" expand margin: 0 auto; ?

sublime text 2 property shortcuts

i apologize if has been asked. couldn't find answer.

these called snippets. particular example, open tools menu , select new snippet..., paste in following:

<snippet>     <content><![cdata[margin: 0 auto;]]></content>     <tabtrigger>m-a</tabtrigger>     <scope>source.css</scope> </snippet> 

save file packages/user/css/margin auto.sublime-snippet , should go. open css file, type m-a, hit tab, , you're set. snippets pretty powerful, , allow tab stops enter customized data. example, set boilerplate code requires colors customized so:

<snippet>     <content><![cdata[body {     max-width: 500px;     _width: 500px;     padding: 30px 20px 50px;     border: 1px solid ${1:#b3b3b3};     border-radius: 4px;     margin: 0 auto;     box-shadow: 0 1px 10px ${2:#a7a7a7}, inset 0 1px 0 ${3:#fff};     background: ${4:#fcfcfc}; } $5 ]]></content>     <!-- optional: set tabtrigger define how trigger snippet -->     <tabtrigger>setbody</tabtrigger>     <!-- optional: set scope limit snippet trigger -->     <scope>source.css</scope> </snippet> 

when hit tab trigger snippet, #b3b3b3 in border property highlighted, ready edited. when you're done, hit tab again go first color definition in box-shadow, etc. final tab leaves outside brackets, ready next selector.


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