c# - Access is denied (Running a .bat file) -

this code build .bat file , run it.

stringbuilder batch = new stringbuilder(); batch.appendline("@echo off"); batch.appendline("taskkill /im " + process.getcurrentprocess().processname + ".exe /f"); batch.appendline("ping localhost > nul"); batch.appendline("del /f " +  (char)34 + application.executablepath + (char)34); batch.appendline("ren " + (char)34 + application.startuppath + @"\update.exe" + (char)34 + " " + process.getcurrentprocess().processname); batch.appendline((char)34 + application.executablepath + (char)34); batch.appendline("del %0");  file.writealltext(application.startuppath + @"\update.bat", batch.tostring(), encoding.default);         process.start(application.startuppath + @"\update.bat"); 

however, access denied, have run admin, how can it?

not answer question, think not approaching best direction. instead see question provides robust answer trying do: what-is-the-best-way-to-auto-update-a-windows-application

tl;dr if original installation "all users" have problems having manually elevate permissions. installation "per user" simplifies permissions issue.


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