regex - Jquery Replace Second and Third Word -

im trying replace second , third word in html element.

so far can replace second word using this:

jquery("article#box-1 h2.join-box-head").each(function(i, v){   newhtml = jquery(this).html()   .replace(/\s(.*?)\s/,'<span class="error">$1 </span>')   jquery(this).html(newhtml); }); 

but im having hard time selecting third word too


<article id="box-1">     <h2 class="join-box-head">join family</h2>     </article> 

any ideas?

is regex needed?

jquery("article#box-1 h2.join-box-head").each(function(i, v){     var newhtml = jquery(this).html().split(" ");     (var = 1; < 3; i++)         newhtml[i] = '<span class="error">' + newhtml[i] + '</span>';     jquery(this).html(newhtml.join(" ")); }); 

or both in 1 span

jquery("article#box-1 h2.join-box-head").each(function(i, v){     var newhtml = jquery(this).html().split(" ");     newhtml[1] = '<span class="error">' + newhtml[1];     newhtml[2] = newhtml[2] + '</span>';     jquery(this).html(newhtml.join(" ")); }); 


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