jquery - when <textarea> character count reaches 30 enable <button> -

i want display number (30) below <textarea> count characters inside it.

it decreases characters being typed/pressed.

im using $j required wordpress avoid conflict.

this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/jgmcn/1/

var $j = jquery.noconflict();  $j(function(){  $j("#textarea").keyup(function(){     count = $(this); // insert values here      $j("#charnum").text(30);  // display 30     if ($j(this).val().length >= 30 )  // if value length >= 30 then...     {       $j("#charnum").text(30 - count.val().length));  //display while subtracting 'count' 30     }      else (30-count.val().length == 0) //if value == 0     {         $j("#charnum").text("submit enabled"); //print         $j("#submit").removeattr('disabled'); // allow submit button     {     }); }); 

you have large number of errors in code. since you're using jsfiddle, i'd suggest using jshint function , working through them next time.

to function suggested, final jquery was:

var $j = jquery.noconflict(); $j("#textarea").on("keyup keydown keypress", function(){ //captures key input, not necessary     var count = $j(this); //you missing 'var' , using $ instead of $j      if ($j(this).val().length <= 30 ) {         $j("#charnum").text(30 - count.val().length); //you had unmatched bracket here     } else { //could not compare bracketed values else, use else if, or no if @         $j("#charnum").text("submit enabled");         $j("#submit").removeattr('disabled');     } //your closing bracket front }); 

edit: don't forget, if want limit text input, can use maxlength attribute textarea, set number of characters want limit to. works in modern browsers and, far recall, ie 7 or 8, forget which.


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