PHP: Emailing echo results -

i'm on homestretch of project have been working on 2 weeks. html form created , fully, , functionally, compatible php. currently, after submitting form echo's results back. @ point, don't know go next.

i able take information page, , add numerical digital signature (much pin) , submit final results email using php.

i can 2 separately. ie - can create form echo results, , can create form e-mails results, don't understand how them in conjunction each other.

how can submit form's echo results e-mail, while adding digital signature?

(since offer no code, i'm new php, don't expect -do- me, i'm struggling find relevant information via google searches, pointing me in right direction incredibly helpful.)


and know better. code:


<form action="echo_form_email.php" method="get">  <p> <div id="cheddar">cashier: <input id="cashier" name="cashier" type="text"></div>  </p>  <p> <div id="q">did cashier front register?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="front_register" value="yes">yes</div>      <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="front_register" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="front_register" value="n/a">n/a</div> </p>  <p> <div id="q">genuinely greet customer eye contact?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="greets" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="greets" value="no">no</div>  </p>  <p> <div id="q">scan/unload b.o.b. (if no bagger)</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="scan_bob" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="scan_bob" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="scan_bob" value="n/a">n/a</div> </p>  <p> <div id="q">carry conversation around product in basket or genuine conversation?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="conversation" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="conversation" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="conversation" value="n/a">n/a</div> </p>  <p> <div id="q">offer buddy bucks parent @ beginning of order?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="buddy" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="buddy" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="buddy" value="n/a">n/a</div>  </p>  <p> <div id="q">avoid side conversations?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="side_conversation" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="side_conversation" value="no">no</div>  </p>  <p> <div id="q">point out , circle savings?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="savings" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="savings" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="savings" value="n/a">n/a</div> </p>  <p> <div id="q">offer carryout (if no bagger)?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="carry_out" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="carry_out" value="no">no</div>  <div id="radio3"><input type="checkbox" name="carry_out" value="n/a">n/a</div> </p>  <p> <div id="q">give genuine "thank you"?</div> <div id="radio1"><input type="checkbox" name="thanks" value="yes">yes</div>  <div id="radio2"><input type="checkbox" name="thanks" value="no">no</div>  </p>  <p> <div id="cheddar">digital signature</div> <div id="cheddar"><input type="tel" name="sign1" placeholder="peoplesoft id"></div> </p>  <p> <div id="auditingasm">asm performing audit: <br /> <select name="asm"> <option value="john doe">john doe</option> <option value="jane doe">jane doe</option> <option value="little doe">little doe</option> <option value="big doe">big doe</option> </select></div> </p>  <br /> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"> <input id="reset" type="reset"> </form> 

php form echo

<?php if (! empty($_get['cashier'])){    echo 'cashier receiving audit: ' . $_get['cashier']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['asm'])){    echo 'asm performing audit: ' . $_get['asm']; } echo "<br /><br />"; if (! empty($_get['front_register'])){    echo 'did cashier front register? ' . $_get['front_register']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['greets'])){    echo 'greet customer eye contact? ' . $_get['greets']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['scan_bob'])){    echo 'scan/unload bob (if no bagger) ' . $_get['scan_bob']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['conversation'])){    echo 'conversation groceries, or other genuine conversation? ' .     $_get['conversation']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['buddy'])){    echo 'offer buddy bucks parent @ beginning of order? ' . $_get['buddy']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['side_conversation'])){    echo 'no side conversations? ' . $_get['side_conversation']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['savings'])){    echo 'cashier pointed , circled savings? ' . $_get['savings']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['carry_out'])){    echo 'offered carry out (if no bagger) ' . $_get['carry_out']; } echo "<br />"; if (! empty($_get['thanks'])){    echo 'genuine "thank you?" ' . $_get['thanks']; } echo "<br /><br />"; if (! empty($_get['sign1'])){    echo 'digital signature: ' . $_get['sign1']; } ?> 

php form email

original php attached form e-mailed correct address make form printable. code prior 1 php echo, @death saw posted in forum earlier today.
<? //--------------- // cashier audit //--------------- $msg .= "cashier being audited: ".$_post["cashier"].""; $msg .= "\n\nfront register? $front_register\n"; $msg .= "greet customer eye contact? $greets\n"; $msg .= "scan/unload bob (if no bagger) $scan_bob\n"; $msg .= "conversation groceries, or other genuine conversation? $conversation\n"; $msg .= "offer buddy bucks parent @ beginning of order? $buddy\n"; $msg .= "no side conversations? $side_conversation\n"; $msg .= "cashier pointed , circled savings? $savings\n"; $msg .= "offered carry out (if no bagger)? $carry_out\n"; $msg .= "genuine thank you? $thanks\n\n"; $msg .= "**************************************************************\n"; $msg .= "\n\n\ncashier signature:__________________________"; $msg .= "\n                             $cashier"; $msg .= "\n\n\n\n\nasm signature:__________________________"; $msg .= "\n                         $asm";  //----------------- // signature lines //----------------- .= $checkbox=$_post['checkbox']; .= $asm = $_post['asm'];  $to = ""; $from = ""; $subject = "service audit"; $mailheaders = "from: \"$asm\" <$from> . \n"; //$mailheaders .= "reply-to: $from\n\n";  mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);  ?> 

if understand correctly, have html form , to:

  1. audit staff member on html/php form (audit.php)

  2. post results of audit php page/form (audit_confirm.php)

  3. the employee enters id on audit_confirm.php , clicks 'submit'

  4. the information sent email

audit form [audit.php]

your first page/form posts data confirmation page, change action attribute of form tag post audit_confirm.php i.e.

<form action="audit_confirm.php" method="post"> <!-- existing form data--> </form> 

audit confirmation form [audit_confirm.php]

on audit_confirm.php create logic that:

  1. displays results of audit
  2. provide confirmation form containing text box enables employee enter id
  3. post information same page , capture post data (a hidden form element can used segment form logic flow)
  4. send email audit data
  5. redirect audit.php page can perform audit

replace have called php form echo this:

<?php      switch(true)     {         case ($_post['employee_id_confirm'] == true):              //---------------             // cashier audit             //---------------             $msg .= "cashier being audited: ".$_post['cashier']."";             $msg .= "\n\nfront register? ".$_post['front_register']."\n";             $msg .= "greet customer eye contact? ".$_post['greets']."\n";             $msg .= "scan/unload bob (if no bagger) ".$_post['scan_bob']."\n";             $msg .= "conversation groceries, or other genuine conversation? ".$_post['conversation']."\n";             $msg .= "offer buddy bucks parent @ beginning of order? ".$_post['buddy']."\n";             $msg .= "no side conversations? ".$_post['side_conversation']."\n";             $msg .= "cashier pointed , circled savings? ".$_post['savings']."\n";             $msg .= "offered carry out (if no bagger)? ".$_post['carry_out']."\n";             $msg .= "genuine thank you? ".$_post['thanks']."\n\n";             $msg .= "**************************************************************\n\n\n\n\n";             $msg .= "cashier signature:        ".$signature."\n";             $msg .= "                     _______________________________";             $msg .= "\n                     $cashier";             $msg .= "\n\n\n\n\n";             $msg .= "asm signature:            ".$asm."\n";             $msg .= "                     ________________________________";             $msg .= "\n                         $asm";              $to = "";             $from = "";             $subject = "service audit";             $mailheaders = "from: \"".$asm."\" <".$from.">\r\n".             "reply-to:\r\n".             "x-mailer: php/". phpversion();             mail($to, $subject, $msg, $mailheaders);              //redirect audit.php             header("location:audit.php");             exit();             break;     }      //form data audit.php     $get_data_meta_arr = array(         'cashier' => 'cashier receiving audit:',         'asm' => 'asm performing audit:',         'front_register' => 'did cashier front register?',         'greets' => 'greet customer eye contact?',         'scan_bob' => 'scan/unload bob (if no bagger)',         'conversation' => 'conversation groceries, or other genuine conversation?',         'buddy' => 'offer buddy bucks parent @ beginning of order?',         'side_conversation' => 'no side conversations?',         'savings' => 'cashier pointed , circled savings?',         'carry_out' => 'offered carry out (if no bagger)',         'thanks' => 'genuine "thank you?"'       );  ?> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge,chrome=1"> <title>info confirm</title> </head> <body>     <div id="view-info">         <h2>audit confirmation</h2>     </div>     <div id="form-confirm">         <form action="<?php echo $_server['php_self']; ?>" method="post">             <div class="field-hidden">                 <input type="hidden" name="employee_id_confirm" value="true">                                 </div>             <div class="echo">                 <?php                 foreach($get_data_meta_arr $key => $value)                 {                     $audit_question_str = $value;           //the audit question                     $audit_result_str = $_get[$key];        //the audit result                               ?>                 <p><?php echo $audit_question_str.': '.$audit_result_str; ?></p>                 <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $key; ?>" value="<?php echo $audit_result_str; ?>">                 <?php                 }                 ?>             </div>             <div class="field">                 <label for="employee_id">employee id</label>                 <input id="employee_id" type="text" name="signature" maxlength="40">             </div>             <div class="action">                 <input type="submit" value="confirm">             </div>         </form>     </div> </body> </html> 

you can away php form email email messaging feature built-in above code.

i hope helps.


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