lucene - index unrelated entities in same index with hibernate search -

in our domain model using aggregates quite aggressively, ie don't connect classes through jpa-relations rather use services can query related objects. so, lets have 2 example classes, person , workplace related reference rather direct object-relation.

public class person {   int id;   string name; }  public class workplace {   int id;   string name;   list<int> personid; } 

now build hibernate search index should index fields both person , workplace. possible though hibernate search or have handroll our own lucene-indexer , take care of maintenance hibernate search performs on index ourself?

are there other solutions should consider?

using hibernate search can make index containing both, or can have 2 indexes 1 each entity query them single index.

@indexed @entity public class person {    int id;    @field    string name; }  @indexed @entity public class workplace {    int id;    @field    string name;    list<int> personid; } 

you can use index find matching persons and/or workplace instances. q = ...[a standard lucene query] fulltextquery fulltextquery = fulltextsession.createfulltextquery( q, person.class ); list<person> list = fulltextquery.list(); 

or targetting both types:

fulltextquery fulltextquery = fulltextsession.createfulltextquery( q, person.class, workspace.class ); list list = fulltextquery.list(); 

or indexed types:

fulltextquery fulltextquery = fulltextsession.createfulltextquery( q ); list list = fulltextquery.list(); 


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