c# - Multiplicity constraint violated. The role "....' of the relationship '...' has multiplicity 1 or 0..1 -
again stucked un-clrear error raised ef. have following model class:-
public partial class tmsserver { public tmsserver() { this.tmsservers1 = new hashset<tmsserver>(); this.tmsvirtualmachines = new hashset<tmsvirtualmachine>(); } public int tmsserverid { get; set; } public nullable<int> servermodelid { get; set; } public int datacenterid { get; set; } public string iloip { get; set; } public int rackid { get; set; } public nullable<int> statusid { get; set; } public nullable<int> backupstatusid { get; set; } public int roleid { get; set; } public nullable<int> operatingsystemid { get; set; } public nullable<int> virtualcenterid { get; set; } public string comment { get; set; } public byte[] timestamp { get; set; } public long it360siteid { get; set; } public virtual datacenter datacenter { get; set; } public virtual operatingsystem operatingsystem { get; set; } public virtual servermodel servermodel { get; set; } public virtual technology technology { get; set; } public virtual technologybackupstatu technologybackupstatu { get; set; } public virtual technologyrole technologyrole { get; set; } public virtual technologystatu technologystatu { get; set; } public virtual tmsrack tmsrack { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tmsserver> tmsservers1 { get; set; } public virtual tmsserver tmsserver1 { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tmsvirtualmachine> tmsvirtualmachines { get; set; } } }
and following post create action method:-
[httppost] [validateantiforgerytoken] public actionresult create(serverjoin sj, formcollection formvalues) { string controllername = routedata.values["controller"].tostring(); if (modelstate.isvalid) { //code goes here repository.insertorupdateserver(sj.server, user.identity.name, assetid); repository.save()
and following repository method:-
public void insertorupdateserver(tmsserver server, string username,long assetid) { var resource = getresourcedetials(assetid); if (server.tmsserverid == default(int)) { // new entity int technologyypeid = gettechnologytypeid("server"); technology technology = new technology { isdeleted = true, typeid = technologyypeid, tag = "s" + gettagmaximumenumber(technologyypeid).tostring(), startdate = datetime.now, it360id = assetid }; insertorupdatetechnology(technology); save(); var auditinfo = intiatetechnologyaudit(tms.auditactions.singleordefault(a => a.name.toupper() == "add").id, tms.technologytypes.singleordefault(a => a.name.toupper() == "server").assettypeid, username, technology.technologyid); server.tmsserverid= technology.technologyid; server.it360siteid = resource.siteid.value; tms.tmsservers.add(server); technology.isdeleted = false; insertorupdatetechnology(technology); insertorupdatetechnologyaudit(auditinfo); } }
but when try call post create action method following exception:-
system.invalidoperationexception unhandled user code
hresult=-2146233079 message=multiplicity constraint violated. role 'tmsservers' of relationship 'tmsmodel.fk_servers_technology' has multiplicity 1 or 0..1. source=system.data.entity stacktrace:
the technology model class envlved in exception looks follow:-
public partial class technology { public technology() { this.tmsswitchports = new hashset<tmsswitchport>(); this.technologyaudits = new hashset<technologyaudit>(); this.technologyips = new hashset<technologyip>(); } public int technologyid { get; set; } public string tag { get; set; } public bool isdeleted { get; set; } public byte[] timestamp { get; set; } public nullable<int> typeid { get; set; } public nullable<system.datetime> startdate { get; set; } public nullable<long> it360id { get; set; } public virtual tmsfirewall tmsfirewall { get; set; } public virtual tmsrack tmsrack { get; set; } public virtual tmsrouter tmsrouter { get; set; } public virtual tmsserver tmsserver { get; set; } public virtual tmsstoragedevice tmsstoragedevice { get; set; } public virtual tmsswitch tmsswitch { get; set; } public virtual icollection<tmsswitchport> tmsswitchports { get; set; } public virtual technologytype technologytype { get; set; } public virtual icollection<technologyaudit> technologyaudits { get; set; } public virtual icollection<technologyip> technologyips { get; set; } public virtual tmsvirtualmachine tmsvirtualmachine { get; set; } }
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