sparql - Selecting languages with specific ISO code -

i want retrieve full language name given isocode language abbreviation. sparql query follows (with hard-coded language "fr"@en):

prefix dbpprop: <> prefix dbo: <>  select ?language ?isocode { ?language dbpprop:iso ?isocode.   ?language dbo:language.   filter (?isocode="fr"@en) } 

running through online dbpedia endpoint yields 0 results — though expect retrieve "french". code used work year or 2 ago (if not totally mistaken). since no errors pop up, bit @ loss. french language dbpedia resource contains both language , iso property.

rather filtering, can search languages want directly. e.g.:

select ?language {   ?language dbpprop:iso "fr"@en .   ?language dbpedia-owl:language . } 

sparql results

the results


if want ?isocode variable bound "fr"@en, can use values clause specify (and others, too, if want). e.g.:

select ?language ?isocode {   values ?isocode { "fr"@en "fro"@en "fra"@en }   ?language dbpprop:iso ?isocode .   ?language dbpedia-owl:language . } 

sparql results

if want filter, can still too. e.g.:

select ?language ?isocode {   ?language dbpprop:iso ?isocode .   ?language dbpedia-owl:language .   filter ( str(?isocode) = "fr" && langmatches( lang(?isocode), "en" ) ) } 

sparql results


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